CHESプリ・クラスPlanting seeds that grow forever! 🌿(永遠に成長する種をまく!)
Hello again everyone!
A new week at CHES has started, but let’s review what happened last week. It was filled with a lot of exciting activities!
To start off the week, we finally hosted the Little Hands bazaar. This was highly anticipated by everyone, and it felt good to see our own flowers that had grown up from seeds! In addition to our own flowers, some other things have been growing too!
We have been watching as CHES garden plants are growing little by little. First it was just some yellow flowers, and now suddenly we had a big cucumber in the garden! ‘Red Fox’ and ‘White Owl’ were the first to try it. It was very popular!! Are you surprised? Even children who said they didn’t like cucumber could eat it.
And that wasn’t all for fruits and vegetables! As a present for the work, we did with Little Hands, we got to try something fun as well: watermelon hitting! Which was more fun: hitting the watermelon, or eating it? Good question…
‘Red Fox’ and ‘White Owl’ were busy with many other things too though. We continued our lessons in English sight words and phonics and practiced every day. We are can look at the words on the wall and read them when we are waiting or drinking tea.
We also continued talking about things we love. It’s important to remember to includes ourselves! Our bodies are special and they belong to us alone. We need to do our best to love them and treat them nicely just like we would do for others.
We made a big list of everything we love, and turned them into hearts we can hang in the classroom. Of course, we could keep adding more things forever, but this is enough for now!!
We continued with our literacy work as well.
That’s all for now.
As the days get hotter, please take care. Make sure you get enough water and stay out of direct sunlight for too long.
We will start focusing on living things as July comes, and connect it to everything we love. Because the best way to show we love something is to show how we can take care of it!
Thank you for your support.
See you next week!
CHES Gardenの植物が少しずつ成長していく様子を見てきました。最初は黄色い花が咲いていただけなのに、突然大きなキュウリが! Red Fox(年中)とWhite Owl(年長)が最初に挑戦しました。大好評でした! 驚きましたか? キュウリが苦手だと言っていた子も食べられたんですよ。
そして、野菜や果物はそれだけではありませんでした! リトルハンズのお礼に、スイカ割りもさせてもらいました。スイカを叩くのと、食べるのと、どっちが楽しい? いい質問ですね。
Red Fox(年中)とWhite Owl(年長)は、他のことでも忙しくしていました。私たちは英語のサイトワードとフォニックスのレッスンを続け、毎日練習をしました。待ち時間やお茶を飲んでいる時に、壁に貼ってある単語を見て読むことができるようになりました。
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean
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