

International Preschool CHES is located in a quiet and beautiful suburb of Tarumi, Kobe, Japan. CHES has three preschool classes for 2 to 6 years old and evening classes for kindergarten and elementary school students.
We pride ourselves on providing high quality educatinal and care services to children and families.
Working here is fun and you will learn many new things. Our children are so engaging and adorable.
We are currently looking for passionate English-speaking preschool teacher who loves children.
If you are interested, please attach your resume with photo to the email address provided. We are happy to work with you.
職種 Type of job |
勤務地 Work location |
「インターナショナル・プリスクールCHES」(神戸市垂水区歌敷山) |
勤務時間 Working hours |
応募要件 Application Requirements |
研修 |
2カ月研修制度あり |
福利厚生 |
社会保険制度完備/交通費全額支給 |
休日 |
土・日・祝日は休日です。 |