先日「オリジナル絵本が完成間近!」でお伝えしていた10月のTopic「Imagination」の集大成であるオリジナル絵本が遂に完成しました。タイトルは「The Rainbow Explosion」。カラー版50ページの絵本が、Red FoxとWhite Owlの全員で総力を結集、みんなが協力することで見事にできあがりました。
The Creation of a Story
It is the last day of October, meaning we are wrapping up all of our “imagination”-themed tasks. The biggest task we managed to finish on time was the creation of our own storybook, as we have been hinting at through the month.
10月も最終日ということで、「想像力」をテーマにした作業はすべて終了です。私たちが予定通りに終えることができた最大の課題は、この 1 か月ずっとほのめかしてきたように、私たちのオリジナルの絵本の作成でした。
The story took many steps to make.
We began by throwing as many ideas as we could onto the board. We wrote down anything we thought might be interesting, or we might want to include. We thought about characters, places, events, and more.
We took the list of ideas and narrowed it down, removing things that were less popular or didn’t fit the theme. We took our rules of writing that we made by looking at other storybooks, and applied it to our story. That is, we needed a main character, a lesson, and something interesting or funny to happen! Little by little, the story began to develop on its own.
With characters decided on, we needed to decide on how they would look! This is the same as real animation studios and other companies that work on design in big groups. We each drew our own idea of what the character would look like, then we discussed and chose together which designs we would go with. We made a master design sheet that we could all check when illustrating.
With a list of events in our story, we sat down together and chose exactly what words we would use to tell the story. We wrote each page sentence by sentence. We practiced using past tense. We thought about funny or interesting things. We even have a surprise twist partway through the story!
With the story decided, now it was time for the hard work. We volunteered to take on different pages, both drawing pictures and writing the text. We needed to take care to write and draw nicely. We also needed to think about what we were drawing. The pictures need to match the story and be consistent. It nearly took a week, but after working together on 25 whole pages, we had a book!
ストーリーが決まったので、次はハードワークの時間です。私たちは絵を描くことと文章を書くことの両方で、さまざまなページを進んで担当しました。きれいに書いたり絵を描いたりすることに注意する必要があります。何を描くのかについても考える必要がありました。絵がストーリーと一致し、一貫性がある必要があります。ほぼ 1 週間かかりましたが、25 ページを一緒に作業した結果、一冊の本が完成しました。
The final step was to put it all together. Mr. Sean, Ms. Masami, and Mr. Tai took it from here. The teachers worked to copy, cover, and put the books together, making them into the real thing!
最後のステップは、すべてをまとめることです。ここからはMr. Sean, Ms. Masami, and Mr. Tai の出番です。先生たちが、コピーしたり、表紙をつけ、冊子にまとめて本物の絵本に仕上げていきました!
An audio version of the book
As a bonus, we also recorded an audio version of the book. Congratulations on becoming authors!
It was a lot of fun to work on a big project together. Good teamwork is the most important thing for something like this, and everyone showed that they were capable of that.
Even though October is finished, we will not stop using our imaginations.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
大きなプロジェクトに一緒に取り組むことができてとても楽しかったです。 このようなことには良好なチームワークが最も重要であり、誰もがそれができることを示したのです。 10月が終わっても、私たちは想像力を働かせることをやめませんよ👍
CHES Winter Holiday Class参加者募集開始のお知らせです。
今年のCHES Winter Holiday Classのテーマは、エリック・カールの「The Mixed-up Chameleon」です。誰かのようになりたくて、カメロンが次々と自分の色を変える物語。
アクティビティでは、色を混ぜたり、絵を描いたり、実験をしたりします。最もエキサイティングなのはゼリー作りです。ゼリー作りは5日間をとおして、1日1色ずつ色を加えていきます。昨年「プリ・クラス」で実験した「Rainbow Water」のような出来上がりは、きっとサプライズに!