


今年もサツマイモの収穫の季節がやってきました。夏が暑すぎたので、実りが悪いと聞いていたので、Blue BirdからWhite Owlの園児たちが二つのグループに分かれて収穫することに。がんばって掘ってみましたが、残念ながら例年に比べてサツマイモは小さめ。それでもみんなで食べられるくらいは収穫できたので、今年は焼き芋にして楽しみましょう!

Dilara’s Group

The last week, it was time to harvest the sweet potatoes in the CHES garden! We started with cutting the plants so we could start digging.

Cutting the plants and digging the soil were too much fun! The kids found many sweet potatoes and they worked as a team. They were so happy and proud every time they found potatoes in the soil.


Sean’s Group

As a final fall activity last week, we headed to CHES garden and harvested the sweet potatoes!

It was a fun activity that all the big kids could participate in. We had to take care, of course, because working in a garden means we are all around living things. We carefully cut away the leafage. Then, we looked to see where the roots were. Finally, we dug our hands into the soil to pull out the potatoes!

We saw how different types of sweet potatoes could produce different sizes. We saw how they liked to grow clumped together, and how the leaves covered the whole garden, even though the food is underground.

We ended up with a good haul! We will keep them at CHES to let them dry. Maybe in the near future, we will cook them together. Let’s look forward to it!



良い収穫ができました! 乾燥させるためにCHESに保管します。 近い将来、一緒に料理できたらいいですね。 楽しみにしましょう!



育児・教育環境として、なぜ?  CHESなのか。1歳半からの「英語で」ひらく子どもたちの未来について詳しくお話したいと思います。



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