10月になり季節はすっかり秋らしくなり、CHESのTopicは「Imaginetion」に変わりました。ハロウィンを控え子どもたちの想像力も自然とかきたてられる季節。教室のなかは「Imaginetion」と「Fairy Tales」が満ち溢れていきます。
さっそくYellow KangarooとBlue Birdのクラスでは、「Three Little Pigs」、「Goldilocks and the Three Bears」の世界にはいり、いろいろなことを学び始め、White OwlとRed Fox のクラスでは、既存の物語を読むだけでは飽き足らず、自分たち自身で新しく作り上げる「Fairy Tale」の準備にとりかかり始めたようです。昨年はみんなでアニメーションを作り上げていましたが、今年も完成が楽しみです。
White Owl/Red Fox Class
Have you felt the season changing now? Despite the cooler temperatures, the weather is still very nice.
We have been enjoying are time at the park this week, able to visit nearly every day. With Sports Day finished, we can play and have fun freely. It’s a nice, relaxing feeling!
Another thing we did to bring in the season was thinking about decorating our class. We took down many of the old posters and other things on the walls, and started to think about Halloween. One of the first things to come to mind is Jack o’ lanterns!
We used our white paper first to design our Jack o’ lantern faces. When we were happy with a design, we traced and cut them out with construction paper. In no time at all, we had a whole bunch of unique Jack o’ lanterns to put on the wall!
Little by little, our classroom will take on the appearance of Halloween. Only a few weeks left!
Our big project
On the topic of imagination, we began our October project this week. Our big project is finally revealed: we will make our own storybook, from start to finish! What do you think? Do you think we can do it?
We read many storybooks in preparation. We saw that they all have characters, a plot, and a title. We need to make it interesting if we want people to enjoy it. We need to think about the beginning, middle, and end.
On Tuesday, we brainstormed about characters. On Wednesday, we brainstormed about the plot. And on Thursday, we put them all together, and chose a title.
Yes, that’s right: the story is already written, all by the students of Red Fox and White Owl! Our next goal will be to put the ideas to paper. We need to write the words and draw the pages. I think you will be impressed by their imaginations!
We will continue working on our storybook and Halloween preparation. The end of October will be an exciting one!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
10月のTopicが「Imagination」ということで、今週からプロジェクトが始まりました。私たちの大きなプロジェクトがついに明らかになったのです:「最初から最後まで、自分たちで絵本を作る! 」どうしょうか? できると思いますか?
そうです、ストーリーはもう出来上がっているのです! 私たちの次の目標は、アイデアを紙に書き出すことです。言葉を書き、ページを描く。子どもたちのイマジネーションに感動していただけると思います。
Blue Bird Class
This week, we started reading about another story which is called “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. With this story, we learnt what hard, soft, porridge and rude means.
In the story, we talked about Goldilocks and how rude she behaves by entering someone else`s house without a permission!
Goldilocks not only enters the house, but also eats their food! She sees the porridge bowls on the table and tastes all of them. The baby bear`s porridge is just to her liking so; she finishes it all.
When the baby bear comes back home, it sees that there is no more food left for him. That makes him so sad. Later, she sits in their chairs and even breaks the baby bear`s chair! Then, she sleeps in their beds.
We discussed how wrong these behaviors are and made sure to understand we should not be behaving this way.
We also practiced some writing! We already know these letters but practicing makes it perfect. To remember how to write them correctly, we need to keep practicing.
This week, since we read about the “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” story, we made our paper plate bear faces.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Ms. Dilara
今週は、「ゴルディロックスと3びきのくま」というお話を読み始めました。 このお話では、「硬い」、「柔らかい」、「おかゆ」、「失礼」の意味を学びました。このお話の中で、ゴルディロックスについて、彼女が他人の家に勝手に入るという行為がいかに失礼な行為であるかを話しました。
子グマが家に戻ると、もう食べ物が残っていません。子グマはとても悲しくなります。その後、椅子に座るのですが、椅子は壊れています。 そして、女の子はベッドで寝ています。このような行動がいかに間違っているかを話し合い、私たちはこのような行動をとるべきでないことを理解するようにしました。
今週は、”Goldilocks and the Three Bears “のお話を読んだので、紙皿でクマの顔を作りましたよ。
Yellow Kangaroo Class
Yellow Kangarooクラスでは「Fairy Tales」の世界にはいり始めたものの、「Three Little Pigs」ではオオカミの突然の登場におもわず後ずさり😱 ストーリーを最後まで聴いてようやく一息。「
落ち着きを取り戻してから、仲良しの「Three Little Pigs」を楽しく作ることができました。子どもたちの未来を拓くCHES「プリ・クラス」入園説明会、ぜひご参加ください。
育児・教育環境として、なぜ? CHESなのか。1歳半からの「英語で」ひらく子どもたちの未来について詳しくお話したいと思います。