

Making Mayonnaise!





11月のTopicはFoods。1か月の間、食べ物についていろいろと話題がひろがり、先日は「Rainbow Water」を作ってみました。今回のActivityは、その続き、「Can all liquids mix?(すべての液体は混ざるの?)」のための教材メモ。タイトルは、「Making Mayonnaise(マヨネーズ作り)」です。

Making Mayonnaise

Science Question:

Last time I checked, colored water with sugar could mix. Can all liquids mix? Then what about water and vinegar, water and oil, can they mix? How about oil and vinegar?

  1. Try mixing water and vinegar; they mixed.
  2. Try mixing water and oil; they don’t mix.
  3. Try mixing vinegar and oil, and they don’t mix.

How can we mix them?

Here comes the egg yolk!

How to make Mayonnaise


  1. 80㏄ of oil
  2. half a tablespoon of vinegar
  3. a quarter of a tablespoon of salt
  4. one yolk

How to do:

  1. Add vinegar, salt, and yolks to bowl, then stir.
  2. Add oil a little at a time while mixing.
  3. Then stir, stir, and stir till it will change to mayonnaise.

Why it worked? It’s magic!

“Emulsification” refers to a phenomenon in which things that do not originally mix, such as water and oil, are evenly mixed together.

Generally, the ingredients for dressing are vinegar and oil, but they are usually separated into two layers inside the bottle. When you use it, you shake the bottle to make sure that the vinegar and oil mix evenly.

After a while, however, the dressing will again separate into two layers.

In order to maintain the emulsified state, it is necessary to add a substance called an “emulsifier” to connect the water and oil. Emulsifiers are mainly made from ingredients that contain protein. For example, mayonnaise is made from vinegar, oil, and eggs. In this case, the egg acts as an emulsifier to keep the vinegar and oil in an emulsified state.

見事においしそうに出来上がったマヨネーズ! 教室に漂うお酢のにおいがまさに手作りの実感。こうして作ったマヨネーズは、ランチタイムの時に、きゅうりに添えておいしくいただきました。みんなで食べると、きゅうりが苦手な園児もおいしそうに食べることができるのも「It’s magic!」なのですw


International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto

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