New school year for Yellow Kangaroo
新学年度初めてのSinging Class。4月入園のお友だちには「はじめまして」のMs. Kumiko。初めは人見知り💦の場面もありましたが、先生の楽しいピアノに合わせて体を動かしリトミックを楽しんだ後は、とっても上手に「おはながわらった♪」を歌えました。一列にちゃんと並んで かわいいダンスを披露、Ms. Kumikoも思わずにっこりです。
クラスルームでは「Flower Bouquet」の制作に取り組んでいます。小さな指先で小さなお花の中心に色とりどりのまるいステッカーを張っていきます。
シールが指先に引っ付いてしまい悪戦苦闘している姿も思わずにっこりです。Singing Classで歌った「おはながわらった♪」を口ずさみながら春を感じることができました。
Story Timeの時間には「Color」をテーマに楽しい時間を過ごします。Ms. Ireneのお話をしっかり聞きながら、「I Know!」とBiggyたちはしっかりお返事できます😄 そして「Brown Bear, Broun Bear」のご本の後はLetter B Wordに展開していきます。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto
New school year for Blue Bird
Even though it was rainy the last two days, we still managed to have some fun at the CHES park together with the big kids singing songs, playing some games.
We started Monday by talking about friendship and why is it important. We talked about being kind and what it means. We gave some examples for the kind behaviors such as saying thank you, sorry and helping our friends.
We learnt another word which is the opposite of kind: rude. We talked about the rude behaviors as well and discussed how to avoid doing those behaviors. To be able to become good friends, we should be kind towards our friends!
この 2 日間は雨が降っていましたが、私たちは年長の子どもたちと一緒に CHES パークで歌を歌ったり、ゲームをしたりして楽しく過ごすことができました。
To understand the topic better, we also started doing our kindness cloud craft. We wrote our names on our own cloud and pasted some kind behavior examples to our clouds. Every time we look at them, we will remember to be kind. 😊
このテーマをより深く理解するために、「親切な雲」の工作も始めました。私たちは「雲」に自分の名前を書き、親切な行動の例を「雲」に貼り付けました。それらを見るたびに、私たちは優しさを思い出すでしょう 😊
We keep studying the letters sounds without losing any time! By the end of this week, we will know what sound the letter C and D make. We listen to our letter songs and find words that start with these letters. We study the capital and lowercase letter and try to differentiate them. After we complete studying, we start doing our worksheets. We trace, find the letter that we are studying and color the things that start with that letter.
To build more vocabulary, we keep looking at new flash cards and keep playing games. It is really joyful to see when they remember the words that they recently learnt! We will keep working harder. The books that we read before going home also help us to learn more words and visualize.
We enjoy our time while getting used to being Blue Bird. We are motived to learn, study and grow!
Blue Bird Classに慣れながら楽しい時間を過ごします。私たちは学び、学び、成長する意欲を持っています。
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Dilara