



そしてついに恒例の「Easter Egg Hunt」の日がやってきたのです。生徒の誰よりも一番はりきって嬉しそうだったのは、実はMr. Seanだったのかもしれません😄

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

We finally had a nice sunny day, and some free time. As promised, it was time for the annual Easter egg hunt!

We started the day with songs and dances, and made sure to stretch a lot, knowing that we would be busy running around the park today. After that, we reviewed our conversation about spring things that we had last week.

ようやく晴れた日が続き、自由な時間ができました。約束通り、毎年恒例の「Easter Egg Hunt」の時間がやってきました!


We thought about some things that we might have to find in the park. Eggs, flowers, rabbits, candy… Lots of suggestions were thrown about. And most of them were right!

We teamed up to head to small park. We heard that the Easter bunny had left some picture cards around, and we needed to find them and record their locations. We got our scavenger hunt cards, and, armed with a pencil, we began to explore!


私たちはチームを組んで小さな公園へ向かいました。「Easter Bunny」が数枚のカードを置き忘れたと聞いたので、それを見つけて場所を記録する必要があったのです。私たちは宝探しカードを手に入れ、鉛筆を持って探検を始めました。

The hunt was on!

There were pink cards in the cherry blossoms, purple cards in the violets, and green cards in the bushes. There were easy cards to find, and difficult ones too. We needed to look high, and we needed to look low. We needed to look everywhere!

We worked as a team, announcing whenever we found a new card to help others find it too.

Egg Huntの始まり! 桜にはピンクのカード、スミレには紫のカード、茂みには緑のカードがありました。見つけやすいカードもあれば、見つけにくいカードもあります。高いところを見る必要もあれば、低いところを見る必要もありました。あらゆる場所を探す必要があったのです。


With teamwork and perseverance

With teamwork and perseverance, we did our best to check all the cards off the list. After a while, many of the kids had them all but one. There was one card that remained missing… the elusive Golden Bunny!

チームワークと忍耐力で、私たちはリストからすべてのカードをチェックするために最善を尽くしました。しばらくすると、多くの生徒たちは1つを除いてすべてのカードを持っていました。足りないカードが 1 枚…。とらえどころのない「Golden Bunny」のカードです。

It took a few hints and few times looking at the whole park from top to bottom, but we finally managed to find it at the end!

The golden bunny was hidden away inside a bush!

いくつかのヒントを頼りに、公園全体を上から下まで何度も見て回りましたが、最後についに見つけることができました。Golden Bunnyは茂みの中に隠れていたのです!

After that, we had some free time with Yellow Kangaroo too. We played together and enjoyed the sunny weather. We stayed in the park for such a long time, we almost finished all of our drinks!

その後は、Yellow Kangarooと自由時間を過ごすことに。私たちは一緒に遊び、晴れた日を楽しみました。とても長い時間公園に滞在していたので、ほとんどすべての飲み物を飲み終えてしまいました!

It was nice to finally be able to go out and complete our Easter celebration. To us, it represented the new year and the new season.

After two weeks, are we beginning to feel comfortable in our classrooms and enjoy our time learning. We are comfortable with our friends and teachers too. We are just getting started for the year!

International Preschool CHES  English Teacher
Mr. Sean and Ms. Dilara






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