3月にはいると、年長クラスのWhite Owlの子どもたちは卒園にむけてのムードがいやがうえにも盛り上がってしまいます。そんなムードをさらに盛り上げるのが、この卒園遠足。昨年からは「こども本の森 神戸」にお邪魔させてもらっています。
電車に乗って三宮まで行くこと、そして自分で好きな本を選んで静かに読む、気分はもうすっかりお兄ちゃん・お姉ちゃん😙 意気揚々と遠足を終えて、卒園まではいよいよあと数週間。Mr. Seanも最後に書いていましたが、卒園後もCHESで培ってきたことを決して忘れないように、本当の意味でのお兄ちゃん・お姉ちゃんに成長して欲しいと願っています👍
Being March, it was time for White Owl’s annual field trip. This was their chance to prove that they’ve really grown. Since they had become big brothers and sisters, they could visit anywhere and still follow the rules and be nice.
Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side. With rain for the whole day, what could we do? Well, bring a raincoat of course! A little rain wouldn’t stop us! With our gear on and ready to go, we met everyone at the train station in the morning. Let’s go!
3月ということで、卒園間近のWhite owlクラス恒例の遠足の時期がやってきました。自分たちが本当に成長したことを証明するチャンス。お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんになったので、どこに行ってもルールは守れるし、いい子にしていられるはずです。
あいにく、天気は味方してくれませんでした。一日中雨の中、私たちになにができる? もちろん、レインコートを持参することです。少々の雨では私たちは止まりません。装備を整え、朝、駅でみんなと待ち合わせました。さあ、出発です!
Because of the rain, we took care not to slip and to take steps one by one. We partnered up with our buddies so no one would get left behind. By now, we were excellent at going on trips together and riding transportation. We knew what to do!
We took some time to prepare the route. I explained what we needed to do and where we would go. White Owl’s job today was to make the staff at the library happy to have us, and to invite us back so that next year’s White Owl would have a chance. With our plans decided, we had a train to catch!
ルートの確認に時間をかけます。なにをするのか、どこへ行くのかを説明。White Owlの今日の課題は、図書館のスタッフに私たちが来て良かったと思ってもらえること、そして来年のWhite Owlにチャンスがあるように、また私たちを招待してもらえるようにすることです。計画が決まり、私たちは電車に乗ることに。
We rode the train to Sannomiya station. We took the usual precautions of stepping over the gap, finding a seat quickly, and being considerate on the ride. In no time at all, we were there.
There were many people at the station! We stuck together, and used the underground path towards our destination. Our first stop was City Hall. It would be a good place to take a break and was next to the underground paths.
We checked the sign, and the kids were able to follow the path all the way to City Hall. Here, we rode 24 floors up an elevator. Even though the windows were foggy, we could see quite far!
The most captivating thing that we saw was a nearby construction site and active crane, though. We could see the “Kodomo Hon no Mori” from the observation area. We could see it was close. And with our appointment time coming up, we headed out once more!
We walked through the park. It had many fountains and water displays. Despite the rain, it was very beautiful!
And with that, we had arrived! Since we were early, we had time to eat lunch. The staff offered us a room to eat our lunch in, and so we were able to relax and eat inside. It was a good reward for the journey we had made up until now!
Before long, the time for our appointment had come. We moved into the “Kodomo Hon no Mori”. It was amazing! It had big windows, and books covering every wall! We heard that there were more than 18000 books. How long would it take you to read all of those?
We had a little more than an hour, so we would at least try and read a few. We had a small tour by one of the librarians, who told us the rules and read us some stories.
They were funny, and a good introduction to the kinds of books we could find here. After story time, it was free time! We set out to explore and find something we wanted to read.
Story Timeは面白かったし、ここでどんな本が読めるかを知る良いきっかけにもなりました。読み聞かせの後は自由時間! 私たちは探検に出かけ、読みたい本を探しました。
We found funny books, interesting books, books with games, books about games, really big books, teeny tiny books, books about space, books about trains, books about rude words, English books, Japanese books, and many more!
We explored, showed off what we found, and spent some time reading. We read alone and together. We read as a group and independently. We proved that we were big kids already!
The hour went by before we knew it. We put the books back where we found them, said thank you to the staff, and headed back. It was a great adventure and a lot of fun.
White Owl will be going on a new adventure of their own soon in April, so don’t forget about all the imagination and creativity you found here today!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
White Owl は、まもなく 4 月に独自の新しい冒険に出発します。今日ここで見つけたすべての想像力と創造性を忘れないでください。
CHES Spring Holiday Class参加者募集開始のお知らせです
2024年CHES春休みのHoliday Classは、4匹の動物たちが旅をする「ブレーメンの音楽隊」がテーマです。一人一人は小さくてか弱いのですが、みんなで協力すると不思議な力が携わります。
「英語」だけではないCHESの「Holiday Class Magic」にぜひ、ご参加ください。