あっという間に、もうすでに2月も下旬。2月のTopic「職業」も各クラスで様々な視点から学びを深めてきました。保護者の方のボランティア参加による実際の「職業」紹介も授業にまじえながら、年中・年長クラスのRed FoxとWhite Owlでは「職業」のその先、「お金」にまで学びを深めているようです。
そして月末には、クラスでの日々の活動を反映して得ることができたCHES Cashが使用できる全園児参加のCHES Bazaarも開催。いろいろな「職業」からどのような商品が出品されるのか、いまから楽しみです。
What happens in the workforce?
As part of our February topic, our focus has been on jobs. For younger classes, just naming the different types of jobs and what they do is enough. Now that we are in Red Fox and White Owl though, we take a look at what else happens in the workforce. An important thing that has to do with jobs is money!
Our discussions ranged from what money is, to its purpose, to many different ways you can use it. We looked at how yen coins and bills look. We saw that different countries use different kinds of money. We learned the important difference between earning money and getting money.
2月のトピックの一環として、私たちは「仕事」に焦点を当ててきました。低学年のクラスでは、仕事の種類や仕事内容を挙げるだけで十分です。しかし、私たちがRed FoxとWhite Owlに成長したいま、仕事をするとなにがおこるのかに注目しました。仕事に関係する重要なことは、お金です!
CHES CASH(Play Money)
And earning money is what we will do! For the couple weeks we have until the CHES Bazaar, Red Fox and White Owl will start earning CHES CASH little by little. By being good and helping out, they can receive some play money to keep, and if they get enough, they can use it in the bazaar. For this purpose, we opened up bank accounts in our class!
そして、お金を稼ぐことが私たちの仕事です! CHESバザーまでの数週間、Red FoxとWhite Owlは少しずつCHES CASHを稼ぎ始めます。良い行いと手助けすることで、Play Money(おもちゃのお金)を得ることができ、たくさん得ることができればバザーで使うことができます。そのために、クラスで銀行口座を開設しました!
CHES cash program
In the classroom, we have begun earning play money for the bazaar through our CHES cash program. We have four different jobs that rotate each day.
1.Class Representative
Class Reps have the important job of being a good example for the class. They need to keep an eye on the schedule and make sure that things get done properly and on time. They make sure that no one is running in the hallway and help the teacher to hand out things. They also lead the chant we say at lunchtime. White Owl fills this role well!
教室では、CHESキャッシュプログラムを通して、バザーのためのPlay Moneyを稼ぎ始めました。日替わりで4つの仕事をします。
1.クラス代表:クラス代表はクラスの模範となる大切な仕事です。スケジュールに目を配り、物事がきちんと時間通りに行われるようにする必要があります。廊下を走る人がいないか確認し、先生が物を配るのを手伝います。また、ランチタイムのチャンツをリードすることもあります。White Owlはこの役割をしっかりと果たしています!
2.Cleaning Duty
This is another very important job! We all help to clean up every day, but those on cleaning duty are the leaders. They make sure chairs get put away safely, and the tables are wiped clean before lunch. With all the work we are doing with paper to prepare for the bazaar, the floors get especially messy after craft time. Cleaning duty needs to have a sharp eye! They also get to use the vacuum cleaner at the end of the day, to make sure nothing is missed.
2.掃除当番:これも非常に重要な仕事だ! 私たちは皆、毎日掃除を手伝いますが、掃除当番はリーダーです。椅子を安全に片付け、昼食前にテーブルをきれいに拭きます。バザーの準備のために紙を使うので、工作の後は特に床が汚れます。掃除当番には鋭い観察眼が必要です! また、一日の終わりには掃除機を使い、見落としがないようにします。
3.Medic Duty
This team is for emergencies! Their main job is to carry the medical pouch around, as it is filled with extra supplies like bandages, cloths, and more. They must keep an eye out for anyone getting hurt and inform the teacher as soon as possible. If we are lucky, this team won’t need to do anything, but they are on call just in case! Being ready to go at any time is certainly important too.
4.Maintenance Crew
The maintenance crew has a special job. Instead of an all-day job, they take some of their free time after lunch to sharpen pencils from CHES and friends too, if they ask. They look for anything that needs repairing around the class. Next week, they will be repairing some broken reading records, too.
CHES bazaar coming up!
All four of our teams get paid in play money for their efforts. With everyone getting a chance to work and the bazaar coming up next week, we will be able to go shopping with our friends in Blue Bird and Yellow Kangaroo, and treat them to souvenirs. Let’s enjoy it!
4チームとも、その努力に対してプレイマネーが支払われます。来週はバザーがあるので、Blue BirdやYellow Kangarooのお友達と一緒に買い物に行ったり、お土産を買ったりすることができます。楽しもう!
Speaking of the bazaar…
We have been working hard to complete our shops for the bazaar, and stock them with unique and creative products. All told, we have a couple toy shops, a dessert shop, and a pet shop. Our goal was to create something that others would want to buy!
Our steps were as follows:
- We made teams, and brainstormed what our company would sell.
- We thought of a creative name for our store that would get the attention of customers!
- We colored the pictures nicely and laminated them. We made sure to cut them out with clean, smooth edges.
- We added barcodes and labels that described the product.
- We designed beautiful posters that would decorate and advertise our shop.
It was really like a factory in our class! We needed to be efficient to make enough things in time for the bazaar. We thought about how to work together and give different jobs to different people.
We are looking forward to the end of February, not just for the fun things we will do, but also for March to arrive. We are practicing and preparing each day!
- チームを作り、自分たちの会社が何を売るかをブレインストーミングしました。
- お客さんの注目を集めるような、クリエイティブな店名を考えました。
- 写真をきれいに色付けし、ラミネート加工。きれいで滑らかなエッジで切り取るようにしました。
- 商品のバーコードとラベルを付けました。
- 店を飾り、宣伝する美しいポスターをデザインしました。
CHES Spring Holiday Class参加者募集開始のお知らせです
2024年CHES春休みのHoliday Classは、4匹の動物たちが旅をする「ブレーメンの音楽隊」がテーマです。一人一人は小さくてか弱いのですが、みんなで協力すると不思議な力が携わります。
「英語」だけではないCHESの「Holiday Class Magic」にぜひ、ご参加ください。