年度末に控える「卒園式」をそろそろ意識し始め、なんとなくクラスが落ち着かなくなる2月。それでもWhite Owlを中心に「職業」のTopicをいろいろな角度から楽しんでいます。警察官による安全講習に始まり消防署見学、保護者の方々からの実際のお仕事のプレゼンなど「職業」にかかわるActivityはめじろ押し。2月は楽しい季節行事もあるので、みんなで一気にこのまま卒園式まで突っ走りそうな勢いです👍
February’s topic “job”
Even though we are slowly nearing the end of the year, our February so far has been free from stress or being too busy. We are enjoying our time with various events and activities. The topics are interesting to us, and we are able to have an engaging circle time each morning together with the Blue Bird class.
February’s topic “job” really began with the visit of the police officers last week. We have been enjoying the topic so far by looking at the relationship between job titles and action words. We saw how adding “er” to action words gives us the job title.
- Teachers teach.
- Builders build.
- Swimmers swim.
This is not always true, but it is a good pattern, and we can remember it.
徐々に年度末に近づいてきていますが、2月はいまのところまだストレスや忙しいというほどではありません。様々なイベントやアクティビティで楽しく過ごしています。トピックは私たちにとって興味深いものばかりで、毎朝Blue Birdクラスと一緒に魅力的なサークルタイムを持つことができています。
2月のトピック「job」は、先週の警察官の訪問から始まりました。私たちは、職業名とアクション・ワードの関係を調べながら、このトピックを楽しみました。アクション・ワードに “er “をつけると職業名になることを学びました。
After coming up with a big list of job titles, we began to make paper dolls of workers to decorate our classroom. We tried to be creative and also to make a unique selection of jobs.
We brainstormed first, and then each chose a different job. We needed to think about what the job does, so we could give our paper dolls the correct accessories. Stethoscopes for doctors, brooms for cleaners, baseball bats for baseball players, and more! Our own workers look pretty good next to the cards! They are a whole team!
まずブレインストーミングをし、それからそれぞれが違う仕事を選びました。働く人のカードに適切なアクセサリーをつけられるように、その仕事の内容を考える必要があります。医者には聴診器、清掃員にはほうき、野球選手にはバットなど! 子どもたちが選んで描いた働く人は、カードの隣でかなり格好よく見えます。みんなひとつのチームです!
Job titles in circle time
We practiced job titles in circle time, by going around the circle and trying to name a unique job for each friend. We also played a game of charades where we needed to do the actions of a job without saying anything. Some were easy and some were difficult, but all of them were fun!
Thank you for working so hard!
We talked about the difference between work and jobs. After all, we do work too. We work hard on studying and homework. We work together to clean and keep our room neat. What is the difference between that and what our mommies and daddies do, or the other people we see every day working hard?
We came up with a few differences. One idea was kids vs adults. But some adults need to do homework too, so that’s not always true. Another idea was how important the work is. But schoolwork is as important as any other work, so that’s not quite it either.
The secret answer was: money! Some work is more important than other work, or can be done by anyone, but jobs and workers need to be compensated. We also respect people who are working hard, but we cannot give them money. Instead, we can show our respect by saying thank you.
Today, we put our thoughts into words by making a poem to say thank you to hard workers who help us.
We are getting closer to the end of the year, but there is plenty of time left! We still have a lot of room to grow. We won’t slow down yet!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
そこで、今回「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」を開講し、単なる「英検対策」ではなく、基礎的な英語のルールを「学ぶ姿勢」、とっさに反応できる「英会話力」、自分自身の思いを「声に出せる思考力」も育み、お子さんの将来に活かせる英語学習を身につけることをめざすことにしました。
目標達成にはまず基礎的なルールを確実に学び、同時に練習する必要があります。そして、もしも目標を1つ達成することができれば、その「How to do」と「 What to do」が身につき、応用していくことで他の課題の目標達成にも役に立ち続け、お子さんの将来に活かせるはずです。
「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」の詳細については、👇こちらをご参照ください。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto