



Red Fox / White Owl

Balloon rocket

January is quickly wrapping up, even though we have so much to talk about still. We are trying to fill every day with as much about vehicles and buildings as we can. This week, our focus turned to technology and the future, with a focus on space travel.

Rockets are always mixed in with the “vehicles” group, but they are quite different than the others. They are the only ones made for going to space! Combined with shuttles, satellites, drones, and other technology, we can explore space safely.

But why explore space at all? According to CHES friends: to learn, of course!



しかし、なぜ宇宙を探検するのでしょうか? CHESの子どもたちによれば、「もちろん学ぶため」という答えでした😄

We began the week with an experiment using the same balloon from the hot air experiment. This time, we attached it to a string to keep it straight, and tested how quickly and powerfully it could launch.

First, we compared it to a ropeway or a ski lift. However, after we saw it launch, we knew it was a little bit different!

Our balloon rocket really took off!

Even after moving the string lower and lower so that it had to fight against gravity, the balloon made it all the way to the end. What made it different from a ropeway though was how it used its power.

A ropeway needs to keep the power going little by little to bring many people safely back and forth. The balloon used all its power at once! What vehicle might that be like…?





Of course! Rockets

A rocket, of course! Rockets need to use a huge amount of power to push against gravity and escape the atmosphere of Earth. Getting back uses the power of gravity alone!

Following that, we also took a look at spacesuits and other equipment astronauts have.

What kinds of things do you need to think about when in space? If it is just breathing, why not wear an oxygen mask only? We thought of other things like safety, connecting to the shuttle, exploration, and even food. Then, we began designing our own!



宇宙ではどんなことを考える必要があるのでしょうか? 呼吸だけなら、酸素マスクだけつければいいのでは? その他にも、安全、シャトルとの接続、探査、そして食事についても考えました。そして、自分たちで設計を始めたのです。

Invent and Improve

We talked about technology and what it means to invent and improve. Then, we took out our robot from earlier in the month. It had been improved to be able to make turns, now having two motors.

We made a course for it to navigate, then worked together to program in a route that wouldn’t bump into anything along the way. The final route was so perfect that it made the whole class cheer!



Blue Bird

Talking about vehicles and buildings

In last week, we kept talking about vehicles and buildings. We learnt many different types of vehicles and did a lot. We learnt how to sort vehicles and why people make buildings.

We reviewed everything that we learnt about our topic. Because we are also talking about buildings, we decided to make an experiment. We discussed that we need shapes to build buildings.



Our experiment

We tried to think of which shapes we can use. We came up with the shapes like squares, triangles and rectangles. In our experiment, we wanted to build something using these shapes and see which one would be stronger.

After making our buildings, we tried to test the buildings by creating a fake earthquake. The triangle one was the strongest! It was because triangles spread the weight out more evenly.



Yellow Kangaroo Craft

1月から新しくお友だちが増えたYellow Kangarooのクラスもすっかり落ち着いて、先生のお話を聞けるようになってきました。特に「乗り物」のクラフトは、みんな大好き。


2月にはいると、CHES「プリ・クラス」は、いよいよ年度末の卒園式にむかっていきます。White Owlの園児たちは、小学校入学にむけてすでにソワソワ・ドキドキ。一方、在園生たちも進級がが待ち遠しい様子。はやく春になるといいですね😘



そこで、今回「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」を開講し、単なる「英検対策」ではなく、基礎的な英語のルールを「学ぶ姿勢」、とっさに反応できる「英会話力」、自分自身の思いを「声に出せる思考力」も育み、お子さんの将来に活かせる英語学習を身につけることをめざすことにしました。

目標達成にはまず基礎的なルールを確実に学び、同時に練習する必要があります。そして、もしも目標を1つ達成することができれば、その「How to do」と「 What to do」が身につき、応用していくことで他の課題の目標達成にも役に立ち続け、お子さんの将来に活かせるはずです。

「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」の詳細については、👇こちらをご参照ください。



International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto

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