ここ数年間、CHESではいくつかのActivityを自粛していました。今年度にはLibrary tourなどは復活できたのですが、外国人の先生方から一番復活が望まれていたのが、実はこの「Mochi Pounding」。久しぶりに実施することになり、スムーズにできるのか少し心配していたのですが、保護者の方々のご協力もあり無事に楽しく終了できました。
下段にMs. Marisが書いてくれているようにお餅が家族や友人との絆を象徴しているのでれば、CHESの子どもたちとの絆をこれからも大切に継承していきたいと、みんなで楽しそうにお餅をまるめている様子を見ながら、じんわり感動してしまいました。
Mochi Pounding Day
Blue Bird / Red Fox / White Oel
Today was the day for our mochi pounding activity. Everyone was so excited even from the morning but they did a good job waiting patiently until the mochi pounding time.
In the morning, we all gathered together to sing some songs and dance. After that, we kept reading the book that we started yesterday. It was fun to learn about all the vehicles in the book and the sound they make.
We enjoyed copying the sounds and singing along while reading the book. After the circle time, we separated for the P.E class and we did show and tell.
(the topic for January: last year’s “transportation”)
After lunch, before our activity, we all gathered together to practice pounding the mochi. We brought the hammers in the classroom and got ourselves a bowl to practice. First, we practiced saying “Washiyoi.” to keep the rhythm while pounding.
Later, Mr. Sean showed everyone how to do the pounding part. Everyone took their turns to practice. Because the wooden hammer was too heavy for us, we decided to use the plastic one. 😊Even the practicing part was so exciting for everyone. We enjoyed pounding our imaginary mochi and saying Washiyoi upstairs.
本を読みながら、音を真似したり、一緒に歌ったりして楽しみました。サークルタイムの後、体操クラスに分かれ、Show and Tellもしましたよ。
その後、Mr. Seanがつき方を教えてくれました。みんなで順番に練習。木のハンマーは重すぎるので、プラスチックのハンマーを使うことに。練習でさえ、みんなはとてもエキサイティング! 2階の教室でワッショイと声を出し、イメージしながらお餅つきを楽しみました。
Next, the actual mochi pounding!
Next, we needed to get ready for the actual mochi pounding!
After we got ready, we went downstairs to finally start! White Owl parents were already there to help us out! We got our hot water and mochi powder ready to start. Every group lined up nicely to start mochi pounding. We took turns and started as we practiced upstairs. It was so much fun! Thanks to the help we got from the parents, we were able to do the pounding easily and nicely.
Every team worked so hard to pound the rice into yummy and chewy mochi. We chanted by saying washiyoi every time to support the person who was pounding.
After working so hard to pound mochi, our job was not completely finished. It was time to shape the mochi into round small balls. We separated as teams and did some team work again to shape the mochi pieces. It was so fun to work together with the parents by our side showing us the correct way to shape.
The final step was putting the mochi pieces into the plastic bags to be able to bring them home with us. We were happy to bring them home with us to share with our family.
Thank you everyone who participated and took their time to help us today! We were glad to welcome you for this activity. Let`s enjoy mochi! 🤩
Mr. Sean and Ms. Dilara
準備が終わると、いよいよ開始です!White Owlの保護者の方がすでに来ていて、手伝ってくれました。お湯と餅米を用意して、いよいよスタートです。どのグループもきれいに並んで餅つきを始めました。教室の2階で練習した通りに順番につき始めました。とても楽しかった! 保護者の方々のお手伝いのおかげで、簡単にきれいにつくことができました。
It’s PE class day also
Yellow Kangaroo
The kids were excited because it’s Mochi Pounding day! The kids were happy because it’s PE class day! There are so many reasons to smile and be happier. 😁Today is our first day with Ms. Yuki this 2024.
We did a lot!
- 1st: Warm Up – shake, touch toes and bend
- 2nd: Stretch – legs, arms and tummy
- 3rd: Monkey Bar – hold tight, hang then swing and turn or flip
Ms. Yuki knows what’s best for us Yellow Kangaroo. 🦘
今日はお餅つきの日なので、子どもたちは興奮気味。 しかも体操の日、子どもたちは喜んでいました。笑顔の理由はたくさんあります😁今日は2024年のMs. Yukiの体操の最初の日です。
- ウォームアップ:シェイク、つま先タッチ、屈伸
- ストレッチ:足、腕、お腹
- 鉄棒 :しっかりつかまってぶら下がり、スウィングしてターンしたりフリップしたり。
Ms. Yukiは、Yellow Kangarooの子どもたちのために何がベストかを知っています🦘
Our Mochi Pounding
The most awesome part for the day is our Mochi Pounding. Mochi pounding is a traditional event celebrated before New Year. The rice is sticky for the togetherness of our family and our friends. Since we were not here last end of December, our chance is today.
Let’s enjoy eating at home. Sharing is Loving! 😊
Ms. Maris and Ms. Irene
そこで、今回「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」を開講し、単なる「英検対策」ではなく、基礎的な英語のルールを「学ぶ姿勢」、とっさに反応できる「英会話力」、自分自身の思いを「声に出せる思考力」も育み、お子さんの将来に活かせる英語学習を身につけることをめざすことにしました。
目標達成にはまず基礎的なルールを確実に学び、同時に練習する必要があります。そして、もしも目標を1つ達成することができれば、その「How to do」と「 What to do」が身につき、応用していくことで他の課題の目標達成にも役に立ち続け、お子さんの将来に活かせるはずです。
「小学生の間に英検準2級をめざすCHES Saturday Class」の詳細については、👇こちらをご参照ください。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto