Blue Bird(年少)クラス以上のみんなで明石図書館へ行ってきました。その時の様子をMr. Seanがまとめてくれたのですが、その文章を読んでいると、なんだか古いハード・ボイルド小説のような面白い趣。もったいないのでそのテイストを活かし「Mission:Impossible」風の画像にしてみました😄
Akashi Library Tour!
Today was a special day because it was finally time for us to visit Akashi Library together. We had talked about the library before, and some of our friends had even visited it already, but today was our chance to go as a group.
We were already prepared. We talked about what to expect and what to do. Since we had travelled to the planetarium together in October, we already had a plan. We had buddies, and we knew where to meet and line up.
The day began at Maiko station. It was time to leave!
We were up the elevator and on floor 4
There was lots of space on the train this time. We decided it was because it was after 9:00, but still in the morning. We were all able to find a nice place to sit and hold on. Before long, we had reached out stop. Akashi Station!
The library was just a quick walk from the station. In only a few minutes, we were up the elevator and on floor 4. We remembered to stay quiet and polite in the library. The librarian reminded us about the rules, but we already knew what to do.
They invited us inside, and we were able to stay in a special room. We kept our bags there, and prepared for a small presentation from the staff.
Do you know what a “kamishibai” is?
Do you know what a “kamishibai” is? It’s a story that’s told with cards instead of from a book. The librarians read one called “みんなでぽん!”. It was our job to clap along to the story. When we clapped, the shapes opened up, and different characters came out. It was a lot of fun!
We enjoyed a Christmas-themed game, as well as another storybook too. After the presentation, it was time for us to visit the library floor. We got our library cards!
We learned about the rules of the library
The librarian gave us a tour of the library floor. We learned about the rules of the library, as well as where all the different kinds of books are. We saw special rooms for reading and finding books. We saw places for young children, and older children. We saw picture books, storybooks, English books, and giant books too!
It was our job to be good guests. We remembered the rules of the library, and were polite and kind to the other people who were visiting.
We got to go anywhere we wanted and explore the books in the library. We had to be careful to put the books back where we found them, so we took turns and put books back when we were done. We could keep our library neat!
We took turns reading stories and finding more books. We saw scary books, funny books, books about characters we knew, and even books we had at CHES!
We were going to borrow books!
Even though we needed to carry our library bags, we didn’t make a mess or lose anything. Why did we have our library bags? Because we were going to borrow books!
After reading, if we found something we wanted to take home, we would put it in our library bag. We could borrow one, two, or three books. We chose carefully, and found books we thought would be interesting, fun, or good to share with our family.
The librarian took our books and checked them out. She told us to take care of them, and bring them back before they were due.
Good work, team!
We did it! We got our own library books! Make sure you treat them nicely!
Because of the poor weather, we decided to head back to CHES before we ate our lunch. We hopped on the train again, and soon we were back at Maiko station. We took a little drink and play break on the way.
Good work, team! We had no problems today and everyone followed the rules. I look forward to going on more trips with everyone.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean