



それも各学年の卒園生たちが参加して、クラス全体にいい影響を与えてくれたことが大きな要因だったと思います。これまでの楽しかったホリデー・クラスの雰囲気をまだ幼い子どもたちに伝えてくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。まさにこれが、CHES! 参加してくれたみなさん、本当にありがとうございました。


A Happy new Year!
Internatinal Preschool CHES All Teachers

Day 1

Hello and welcome to the Winter Holiday class at CHES!

This year we are excited to be learning about colors. For the younger children, just learning the color names and differences is interesting. For the older children, finding out the mysteries of colors in light, nature, and everywhere around us becomes more interesting!

On the first day, we began by meeting each other and talking about color in general. Our activity of the day was the color spinner! We would use two or more colors we thought would be interesting together, and put them on the circle. After adding the stick in the center, we could spin it to see the colors mix.

Wow! Take it home today to try it out more.



初日は、まずお互いに顔を合わせ、色について一般的な話をしました。この日のアクティビティはカラー・スピナー! 面白そうな色を2色以上使って円の上に並べ、真ん中に棒を置き、それを回して色が混ざるのを見てみました。



On our second day, we started our circle time by singing songs and dancing. Later, we tried to write a story all together by playing a game using colors in our sentences. We, decided on some characters like a doll, an ant, a dog, etc. and placed some flashcards about colors in a basket.

We got a small ball to throw in that basket to get the color. The person who manages to shoot the ball needed to choose one of the characters and make a sentence with that color. We ended up with a funny story that included a pink dog, a red ant and a black cat.

Later, we started the first part of our yummy jelly craft after the circle time. We prepared the first layer by using the strawberry jelly powder. We prepared the second layer after lunch and waited for them to get solid. We will continue with that craft tomorrow since it takes time😊.





We went to the small park today while it was sunny. It was warm there and we got excited because we brought our colorful binoculars. We looked for green, red, yellow and brown leaves. We say “I can see you!”

Then, we did our crafts, we have Colorful wheel and Colorful Leaves.

We will bring home the binoculars today. Let’s enjoy it at home.  Let’s visit the park too with our family. Let’s enjoy the good weather this week.

今日は晴れているうちにLittle Parkに行きました。そこは暖かく、みんなで色とりどりの双眼鏡を持って行ったので大興奮でした。そして緑、赤、黄色、茶色の葉っぱを探しました。それから、カラフル・ホイールとカラフルな葉っぱの工作をしました。



Today, our color of the day was BLUE. What things are blue? We thought about what we could see, like the sky, the ocean, and more. We also talked about colored feelings. In English, many feelings come with colors that are commonly attached to each other.

For example, blue usually means sad. We tried it ourselves, changing the color of the lights in CHES park.

We first made pink lights. Some comments from the kids: “It’s like a party! It’s exciting!” Pink made us feel excited and filled with energy. Second, we made blue lights. Some comments: “It’s like we’re under the ocean!” Blue made us feel relaxed and calm.

Finally, we combined them together. “It feels like a show!”

今日の色は「青」です。青はどんな色? 空や海など、目に見えるものについて考えました。また、色のついた感情についても話しました。英語では、多くの感情には一般的に色がついています。

例えば、青は普通悲しいという意味です。私たちは自分たちでCHES Parkのライトの色を変えてみました。

まずはピンクのライト。子どもたちからは 「パーティーみたい!ワクワクする!」。 ピンク色は、私たちをワクワクさせ、エネルギーに満ちた気分にさせてくれました。次にブルーのライト。子どもたちのコメント: 「海の中にいるみたい!」。ブルーは、リラックスした穏やかな気持ちにさせてくれました。



It’s the last day of holiday class! We are getting close to the end of the year, and the end of the holiday class. We were determined to have a fun day.

As is tradition for the last day of holiday class, we needed to make a poster to remember everyone who joined and what we learned. This time, we wanted to make a rainbow mural composed of all the different colored things we talked about during the week. We worked together to make something nice!

Red cars, apples, and Mars. Yellow moons, bananas, and pineapples. Blue rivers, fish, and birds. And so on! We ended up with a beautiful poster.

By the time it was afternoon, we were getting hungry again. We had a special thing planed for a goodbye party. It was a common food, but with a crazy, colorful twist. Because of the three colors we used, we called it: TRAFFIC LIGHT UDON!

Thanks to everyone who joined the holiday class this winter. We had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things.

Hopefully you will start to notice colors more and more as you go about your day. You might think more about how people use colors in language. You might choose a different piece of clothing because of how the color makes you feel.

Either way, the class is finished for now. I wish everyone the best over the holiday, and I hope to see you again next year!

Happy new year, and see you next time!

ホリデー・クラス最終日! 年末、そしてホリデー・クラスも終わりに近づいてきました。私たちは楽しい一日を過ごそうと思っていました。



午後になると、またお腹が空いてきました。サヨナラパーティーのために特別なものを用意したのです。よくある食べ物ですが、クレイジーでカラフルなひねりを加えました。その3色から、私たちはこう名付けたのです:「 信号機うどん」!






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