Bug Focus Week! Bees, Ants, and Worms
This week was the final week of July, and for our monthly topic, this means that we will be done with bugs before we know it. That didn’t slow us down though! Because this was the last week, we spent multiple days learning all about a specific family of bugs!
We started the week with bees, learning about how they pollinate flowers and make honey. We then learned about ants, and how they can eat anything and make colonies. Our last focus was worms, where we learned that there are more kinds of worms that just earthworms!
Our ant focus day led us to the park, where we brought some food scraps from different meals. After we located a suitable ant hill, we placed the food outside and offered it to the ants.
We made a hypothesis: which foods would the ants eat first? We thought that the foods with the most sugar would be the most popular: jelly, maple syrup, and the banana.
We left the food and played for a bit, before coming back to check on them.
To our surprise, the most popular food was: the bread! We knew that bread has a lot of sugar too, but we were surprised that the banana wasn’t popular. We watched it for a big longer. The vegetables were left alone. Maybe they were too hard to eat? Afterwards, we made a report on our findings.
今週は 7 月の最終週です。毎月のトピック「虫」についてはいつの間にか終わってしまうことに。それでも私たちのスピードは落ちません。今週は最後の週だったので、特定の虫のグループについて学習するために数日を費やしました。
ある仮説を立てたのです:アリはどの食べ物を最初に食べるでしょうか? 私たちは、砂糖が最も多く含まれる食べものが最も人気があると考えました。ゼリー、メープルシロップ、バナナです。
驚いたことに、最も人気のある食べ物はパンでした。パンにも砂糖がたくさん含まれているのは知っていましたが、バナナが人気がないのには驚きました。私たちは長い間観察してみました。野菜はそのまま残していました。もしかしたら硬すぎて食べられなかったのでしょうか? その後、観察できたことをレポートにまとめてみました。
For the rest of the week, we couldn’t go outside as it was just too hot. We took the opportunity to make our own little colonies in CHES park. We had slides for slippery worms, balance beams for clingy beetles, and flowers for busy bees to pollinate!
We had plenty to do inside, though. We used the ABC bug cards to pretend we were bugs, and talk about what we can do that is special. Then, all our friends repeated it back to us. We are good at listening and talking to our friends, even if they are bugs!
With the week ending, we will say goodbye to bugs as a topic. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t see them or talk about them. Bugs are animals too after all, and animals will be our topic in August.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
今週の残りは、あまりにも暑かったので外に出ることができませんでした。私たちはこの機会を利用して、CHES Parkに自分たちの小さなコロニーを作ってみました。滑りやすいみのむし用の「滑り台」、しがみつくカブトムシ用の「平均台」、そして受粉のために忙しいミツバチ用の「ボール」の花です。
育児・教育環境として、なぜ? CHESなのか。1歳半からの「英語で」ひらく子どもたちの未来について詳しくお話したいと思います。