CHESプリ・クラスWelcome! New Teacher
先週は、Mr. Seanが夏休みを終えてカナダから帰国、新しくMs. DilaraがCHESに参加することになり、いつも以上に楽しく1週間が始まりました。以下は帰国したMr. Seanからのレポートです。やはり、「暑い」から始まってしまいました💦 今年は本当に暑い日が続きますよね。
Welcome! New Teacher
This week marked my return from Canada (Mr. Sean) and the introduction of our new teacher, Ms. Dilara. I have to say, it is a lot hotter in Kobe right now than it is in Vancouver! Wow!
One thing that we don’t have in Vancouver though is cicadas. We started to hear the cicadas crying in the morning and evening. We could find discarded cicada shells on walls and trees. We could see stray cicadas flying through the air.
今週は私(Mr. Sean)がカナダから帰国し、新しいMs. Dilaraが紹介されました。今、神戸はバンクーバーよりずっと暑いです。すごい!
Cicadas are a good insect to study.
They have all the parts that we learned about: six legs, four wings, big eyes, and more. They have a metamorphosis (a big change) when they become adults. They have a special way of eating food. And the boys and girls are different, showing off another special body part that lets them make lots of noise!
We started the week by looking at what metamorphosis actually is, and how a caterpillar can change into a butterfly. We thought about the physiology of a bug and what they have inside. Do they have hearts and brains too? Do they have blood and lungs?
今週はまず、変態とは何か、イモムシがどのようにして蝶に変わるのかを調べました。虫の生理学と、虫の体内にあるものについて考えました。虫にも心臓や脳があるのでしょうか? 血液や肺はあるのでしょうか?
We saw a video of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
How does that happen? After the caterpillar spins its cocoon, what happens inside? We talked all about that, and learned something very interesting! We also talked about wings and shells; two things that bugs usually have.
Beetles, for example, can split their shells open to reveal their wings, and then hide them away again. Cicadas use their shells when they are young, and then throw them away when they become adults.
We looked at other animals, too. What animals can fly? We thought of three different families: insects, birds, and bats. Can you think of anymore? Each family has their own special way to fly, using differently-shaped wings.
Our focus near the end of the week was on making our flapping butterflies.
大きな変化はどのようにして起こるのでしょうか? イモムシが繭を紡いだ後、中では何が起こっているのでしょう? 私たちはそのことについてすべて話し、とても興味深いことを学びました。私たちはまた、羽と殻についても話した。
他の動物にも目を向けることにしました。どんな動物が空を飛べるのでしょうか? 私たちは、昆虫、鳥、コウモリの3種類を思い浮かべました。他にも思いつきますか? それぞれの家族には、形の違う羽を使って飛ぶ特別な方法があります。週の終わりには、羽ばたく蝶を作ることに集中しました。
We wanted to make a craft where we could see wings working as they are supposed to.
But how to make a butterfly that can flap? We needed to get creative!
We made a mechanism by combining thin and thick straws that let us move it up and down. Then we attached them to a butterfly made of paper with careful use of tape.
After designing and cutting out the shape, we attached a small piece of paper folded in a certain way. This bit of paper would let us attach the thin straw. Then, we prepared the straw mechanism separately.
We needed to use scissors to cut the straw delicately. We also used our rules to measure how far we should cut the straw. By attaching the mechanism to the underside of the butterfly, we were able to move it up and down to make the butterfly flap! Wow, we had suddenly made a whole family of butterflies!
私たちは、羽が本来の働きをするのを見ることができる工作を作りたかったのです。でも、羽ばたく蝶を作るにはどうしたらいいのでしょうか? 工夫が必要です。
Well done!
It wasn’t an easy craft, but everyone was able to take care and do it nicely. If we can make crafts like this, then what else can we do..?
Next week will be the last week of bugs before we move on to August. We will continue to enjoy the season, despite the heat.
See you next time!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
簡単な工作ではなかったけど、みんな丁寧に、きれいにできました。こんな工作ができるなら、他にも何かができそう…? 来週は8月に入る前の最後の虫の週です。暑さに負けず、この季節を楽しみたいと思います。
育児・教育環境として、なぜ? CHESなのか。1歳半からの「英語で」ひらく子どもたちの未来について詳しくお話したいと思います。