

Onion Soup Day!

先日、みんなで収穫した玉ねぎをいよいよ食べる日がきました。今日のランチは、Onion Soup! ここ数年、CHES Special Lunchを自粛してきたので、久しぶりのSpecial Lunchに前日の「皮むき」の準備からすでにみんな楽しみでワクワク・ソワソワ。


ランチタイムは、Onion Soupはもちろん、この日収穫できたきゅうりも一緒にいただくことができました。みんな一緒だとおしそうに食べられる笑顔をみることできて、このようなSpecial Lunchは、やっぱり楽しいですね。

It’s time to celebrate our harvest! Onion Soup Day!

Over the last little while, we have been growing and harvesting plants of all kinds at CHES. We planted seeds and seedlings in April and May, for both flowers and vegetables. We saw our flowers grow and had our Little Hands bazaar, where you all supported us. And we watched as the vegetables grew, bigger and juicier than what we can usually find at the store!

収穫を祝う時期が来ました! オニオンスープの日です! ここしばらく、私たちは CHES でいろいろな種類の植物を育て、収穫してきました。花と野菜の種と苗を4月と5月に植えました。私たちは花が成長するのを見て、Little Hands Bzaarを開催し、皆さんが私たちをサポートしてくれました。そして、私たちは野菜が成長するのを観察し、通常お店で見つけることができるものよりも大きくてジューシーになりました。

Today, it was time to make use of the onions that we harvested a little while ago.

The onions weren’t particularly big or special, but they were our onions, and we were as pleased as ever! We talked about what onions are, where they come from, and what we do with them. We talked about what kinds of foods you can make with onions. We peeled them and prepared them to be cooked.

For the youg kinds, we talked about onions.

It is brown outside and it is white inside. Some onions are small and some are big. We relate it with our Family topic.

・We have daddy onion – the biggest. We have mommy onion – the bigger.
・We have brother onion – the medium. We have sister onion – next to medium.
・We have baby onion – the smallest!

After that, we Blue Bird peeled off the skin. It was hard at first but we got the hang of it so it became easy.

For the big kids, we learned about why onions make you cry, and what to do about it. We tried dipping the onions in water while we peeled, to prevent the acid from irritating our eyes.




その後、Blue Birdクラスは皮を剥きました。最初は難しかったけど、コツをつかんだら簡単にできるようになりましたよ。


Before long, we had prepared some delicious-looking onions.

Now, the next step was to cut and cook. We left that to our chef. And when we came to school in the morning today, we could smell the yummy smell of onion soup wafting through the hallways!

In the morning, Red Fox and White Owl set up the classroom…Spick and span! And when it was time to eat, we were ready to enjoy the onions!


朝、Red FoxとWhite Owlが教室のテーブルを準備しました。ピカピカに! そして食事の時間、私たちは玉ねぎを楽しむ準備をしました。

Time to eat!

We ate both our own lunches, and tried the soup. It was super yummy! We came back for seconds, thirds, and beyond.

Oh, and cucumbers too! Our yummy lunch brings us to the end of June. With July on the way, summer is really getting started. It will get hotter and sunnier, and more bugs will be out and about…

We will do our best to explore and learn about all kinds of bugs starting from July. Until then, drink your water and stay cool.
See you next time!

食事の時間です! 自分たちのお弁当を食べ、スープもいただきました。超おいしかったです。みんな次々と、おかわり、おかわり、おかわり。あ、キュウリも!



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