


先週の金曜日は、Yellow KangarooからWhite Owlまでの全園児で苔谷公園の体育館を借りてボール遊びをしてみました。コロナ禍以前には10月の運動会の練習もかねて、この時期バスケットのゲームをしていたのですが、今年は「ポートボール」。上級生チームは実際に赤・白組にわかれてゲームも体験。

パスやドリブルなど基本的な動きは以前からPE(体育)の授業でも練習していたのですが、実際のゲームになると想像以上に白熱👏 勝ったチームも負けたチームも、応援していた下級生チームも、みんな一緒に一体感を高めることができ、とてもいい経験ができました。

当日の様子は、以下のMr. SeanとMs. Marisからのメッセージをお読みください。あ、ところで「ポートボール」って日本独自のゲームらしいです😲ご存じでしたか?

White Owl/Red Fox

Today was the first annual portball experience for us at CHES! We spent the whole day at Koketani gym, training with the ball and playing portball. It was a long day of practice, games, and fun. We were able to experience a real feeling of competition.

We warmed up in the gym first. It was a good chance to rehearse for Sports Day later in the year. We tried marching to the beat and dancing to some songs to loosen up our bodies. We made sure we had plenty of water to drink for the whole day.

After warming up, we went through various drills with the balls. We practiced dribbling, tossing, bouncing, and shooting the ball! We even learned some good practice methods, like throwing the ball, clapping, and then catching again! It wasn’t easy, but we could do it well!



It was time for the portball game!

Following that, it was time for the portball game! Team White vs Team Red, what we were all waiting for!

We split up into teams and picked keepers for each side. The game began, and we ran to and fro, trying to stop the other team from scoring and to get a point of our own. Both sides managed to get points, but there can only be one winner in the end!

Sometimes, even if you try your best, you won’t win. That’s a part of life that we can’t avoid. When we lose, the best thing we can do is keep our chin up and remember that we had fun, and we can try again next time! Everyone got a chance to grab the ball, run, pass, and shoot.

Maybe next time, we could try a different sport too…? Hopefully as the year goes on, we can visit more places and experience more field trips and activities.

We enjoyed a good picnic lunch nearby the gym afterwards. Lucky for us the weather was nice!




次は違うゲームもやってみましょうか? 今年はもっと多くの場所を訪れ、遠足やアクティビティを経験できることを願っています。


Yellow Kangaroo/Blue Bird

On the first part of our day, we did some warm up and stretching. We had the “Wake up song and the Count to 100 song” to prepare our body. Then, we practiced for some time using the soft balls.

We played the following today:

  1. Throw and Catch
  2. Pass the Ball
  3. Shoot the Ball
  4. Dribble and Shoot the Ball

今日はまず、ウォーミングアップとストレッチをしました。「Wake up song」と「Count to 100 song」で体を整えました。その後、柔らかいボールを使った練習をしました。


  1. 投げてキャッチ
  2.  ボールをパス
  3. ボールをシュートする
  4. ドリブルとシュート

On the second part of our day, we watched the real portball game of Red Fox and White Owl kids.

We cheered for them and we saw how they play. It was a nice game. We learned to play as a team. And the most important part is to be a sport player. We say it like this “Be sports, it is a good game!” Being a winner or a looser is always part of the game. We just need to always give our best!

Finally, we wrapped up the day at the park. We enjoyed the lunch that mom and dad made for us.

We walked back home to CHES nicely and properly. Good job to all of us! Let’s all have a good long rest this weekend.

練習のあと、Red FoxとWhite Owlのポートボールの実際のゲームを観戦しました。




International Preschool CHES All Teachers

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