CHESプリ・クラスWe Can Be Kind to Others 🙂
At CHES, we did all kinds of things! On Thursday, we started off by dancing to our new favorite songs. These songs needed us to learn the alphabet, so we had to practice together too! What a workout!
Then, we took the opportunity of nice sunny weather to visit the park! We brought a soccer ball, some bubbles, and lots and lots of energy!
We are continuing to talk about the school rules and why we have them, but another focus of this week was how to be kind to others.
We thought about many different ways to behave in class that would be good choices to make our friends happy. We discussed our experiences in the park, during play time, and in the class.
Finally, we came up with enough good ideas that we could remake the Good Friend Board!
Our old Good Friend Board from last year had already fallen down. We needed new ideas, and new pictures. Red Fox and White Owl teamed up to make it happen!
In just a short time, we had turned the brainstorm…
昨年までの「仲良しボード」は、すでに古くなってきていました。新しいアイデアと新しい絵が必要でした。Red FoxとWhite Owlは、それを実現するためにチームを組みました!
…into a beautiful wall board that would remind us how to make good choices every day! Nice teamwork!
…毎日、良い選択をすることを思い出させてくれる美しいウォールボードになりました! 素晴らしいチームワークです!
In Yellow kangaroo PE class we had a lot of fun!
Yellow kangaroo の体育の授業では、とても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました!
First, we had walking practice to follow the teacher. Then we put them in a fort!
See you then!
All the teachers at CHES