

Plants are Living Things!

We started talking about topic: living things!

Two weeks have already passed since this school year began, and our introductions have already been finished. Now, we can understand who is Red Fox and who is White Owl, and we can do what is appropriate in class. Because of this, we started talking about our next topic: living things!

今年度が始まってから2週間が経ち、自己紹介もすでに終わりました。今では、誰がRed Foxで誰がWhite Owlなのかがわかり、クラスで適切な行動ができるようになりました。クラスが落ち着いてきたので、次のTopicである「生物」について話し始めました!

We would need materials.

We started by visiting the park. We can see many living things there: bugs, birds, plants, and people too! Our goal this time was to prepare for some experiments. To do so, we would need materials.

However, we would need to do so carefully. We don’t want to hurt any living things! We wanted green leaves, but only if they have fallen to the ground. We wanted flowers, but only if they already came off the stem. And we wanted pinecones, which of course fell down on their own!

まずは公園を訪れることから始めました。そこでは、虫や鳥、植物、そして人間など、たくさんの生き物を見ることができます! 今回の目標は、実験の準備をすることです。そのためには、材料が必要です。


We found many supplies.

After our scavenger hunt, we found many supplies. Get ready to see them used as the week goes on!

We found something else important, too: a dandelion plant! Dandelions, though pretty, are weeds, and can make it difficult for other plants to grow if there are too many in one place. So, we decided to help out the plants and see the parts of another plant at the same time by pulling up the dandelion.

We showed very clearly that the plant has more parts we cannot usually see. There are long roots that grow under the soil, to hold the plant in place and to help them drink water. We could see the long green stem and green leaves that help bring water to the flowers.

And after we looked closer at the flowers in the classroom, we could see that the dandelion was already getting ready to send its seeds somewhere else.





How do we know what is living.

Plants aren’t the only living things, though. Like we said before, animals and people are too. How do we know what is living, and what isn’t? We made a checklist of things that we can remember.

  1. Does it get energy from food? (Does it eat?)
  2. Does it breathe?
  3. Does it grow?
  4. Does it reproduce? (Does it make more of itself?)

If it does all four of those things, then it is a living thing! Mushrooms, shrimp, ants, dandelions, and people are all examples! We thought about moving and talking too, which a lot of living things can do, but not all of them.


  1. 食べ物からエネルギーを得ているか(Does it eat?)
  2. 呼吸をしているか?
  3. 成長するか?
  4. 生殖しているか?(自分自身をもっと作るか?)

これらの4つのことをすべて行うなら、それは生物です!キノコ、エビ、アリ、タンポポ、そして人間もその例です! 動くこと、話すことについても考えてみましたが、これは多くの生き物ができることですが、すべてではありません。

Nice planting!

Today, we took our knowledge to practice by visiting CHES garden. It was a little while since we had been there, but we could see plenty of things growing already. Onions and strawberries were everywhere!

But there were some parts of the dirt that were waiting for seedlings. Mr. Tai had prepared cucumbers, tomatoes, and watermelons for us to add to the garden. This year it was White Owl’s turn to plant, so together with Mr. Tai, they planted the seedlings in the soil. Nice planting!

If we take care of the plants and give them what they need to grow, they will get bigger and make us some fruit. Let’s look forward to that!


しかし、畑の土には、苗を待っている場所もありました。Mr. Taiがキュウリやトマト、スイカを用意してくれていたので、庭に追加してあげました。今年はWhite Owlが植える番なので、Mr. Taiと一緒に苗を植えていきました。いい感じに植えられました!


Finally, we began our first experiment today!

We learned about how plants will use their stems and roots to drink water, so what would happen if we colored the water? Would we see the water inside the plant? Would the whole plant change color?

We didn’t know, so we decided to give it a try. We used the green leaves we found in the park as well as some old celery from the grocery store. What will happen? You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out!

We will continue our topic on living and growing things over the next week or two. Think about where there are living things around you. You might be surprised by how much is alive!

See you next time,

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean


わからないから、やってみようということになりました。公園で見つけた緑の葉っぱと、八百屋さんで買った古いセロリを使いました。どうなるんだろう? それは明日までのお楽しみです!




みんなで植えたPlant、いちご、玉ねぎ、ミニ・トマト、きゅうり、スイカ。本格的な夏が楽しみなCHES Gardenになってきました。

International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto

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