CHESプリ・クラスClass Trip to the Children’s Book Forest(こども本の森 神戸)!
卒園を前に、White Owlクラスは、「こども本の森 神戸」に見学に行くことにしました。長い間、園外での活動が制約されていたので、みんなで一緒に電車に乗って出かけるのは、今回がはじめての経験です。出発前には、集合場所の舞子駅で円陣を組み、ルールを守り行儀よく行動すること、みんなで楽しむことを確認して、いざ出発です!
幸い、電車は混んでいることもなく、みんな行儀よくスムーズに移動できました。時間に余裕があったので、「こども本の森 神戸」に行く途中の市役所や動物園の立て看板など、少し寄り道しながらも、わくわく感は徐々に盛り上がっていきます。到着後は、公園で思いきり遊んで、昼食。そして、いよいよ「こども本の森 神戸」入館の時間です。
引率のMr.Seanも、今回の「こども本の森 神戸」の見学は大成功だったと、嬉しそうに報告してくれました。Mr.Seanの感想は以下にありますので、こちらもご参照ください。Mr.Seanの報告の最後にあるように、本当にあとは卒園式を残すだけです。Good Job, White Owl!
For White Owl, it has been a few years of adventures at CHES. While most of them have been under the shadow of the coronavirus, we still managed to find fun and exciting things to do together. We are lucky that now, at the end of White Owl’s kindergarten journey, we get to explore other places.
And that’s what we did today! With the whole class together, we met at the train station and rode the train for the first time together. It was a new experience to travel as a class. We were on our best behavior!
We were lucky to find places to sit nicely, and we enjoyed the ride all the way to Sannomiya. Once there, we lined up, found our partners, and began our walk down the Flower Road to our destination.
We stopped in a few places to look at the flowers, maps, art, and even a big wall advertising Oji Zoo! It was a beautiful day and we had a good walk together.
We took a quick restroom break at the City Hall building, and before long, we were there! We explored the park in the nearby area as we waited for our turn to enter.
We could see the books through the windows! There was a lot of anticipation as we prepared for lunch. After eating and playing, it was time to go inside!
The staff let us come inside and showed us all the books. She explained how to be nice inside the building, but we already knew how to be nice! Then, she read us some books she chose for some special reading time. We enjoyed the books a lot!
Afterwards, it was our free time!
We were able to explore the Book Forest on our own or with our friends. We went everywhere, and found many different kinds of books. We found storybooks and picture books. We found scary books and funny books. We found silly books and pretty books. Books about trains, and ghosts, and maps, and food, and all kinds of things.
We were all able to enjoy different books. We found different places to read. We could go upstairs and underneath, too.
It was a fun place to explore, and a nice place to read.
If we needed to get books down from high up, we asked teachers. If we couldn’t remember where books went when we were done, we asked the staff. We were very kind and followed all the rules.
Good job, White Owl!
We returned after that, walking back to the station and taking the train back. It was a successful class trip, so well done everyone.
All that’s left is graduation!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean