CHESプリ・クラスWelcome to CHES Bazaar!
The time has come!
Red Fox/White Owl
Everyone was looking forward to the bazaar day at CHES, and we had to do lots of preparation. We talked about it in the same way that people prepare for work or selling things in real life.
- We needed to make a team and think about what we wanted to sell.
- We needed to design the things we wanted in a way that would make people want to buy them.
- We needed to make signs and price tags for all the things.
- We needed to decide on fair prices for the things that wasn’t too high or too low.
- We needed to prepare the stock by sealing it in plastic and cutting the edges off so it wouldn’t be sharp.
With all that ready, we were prepared to be shopkeepers!
We talked about all the things we would need to think about: Would there be too many people? Did we have enough stock? Would people want to buy from our shop? And importantly, how do we give change if someone gives us too much money?
We worked through all the problems to be ready for the day!
We had a stationery shop that sold notebooks and pens!
…a dessert shop that sold cakes and parfaits!
…a pet shop that sold goldfish and small dogs!
…a toy shop that sold cute teddy bears and toy trains!
…and a clothes and shoes shop that sold hats and boots!
We thought about what things would be the most popular when we planned the ideas.
We invited Yellow Kangaroo and Blue Bird to come shopping in our bazaar.
We lent money to them, and gave them shopping assistants to help them choose. And it was a big success! All of the shops sold a lot of things, and made a lot of money!
Good work, everyone!
With the end of the bazaar, we mark the end of February, too. That means that starting tomorrow, we will be into March, the last month of the school year!
We will continue to talk about fun and interesting things for the remaining few weeks. Let’s enjoy our time together, until graduation!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
- チームを作って、何を売りたいかを考える必要がありました。
- 私たちが欲しいものを、人々が買いたくなるような方法でデザインする必要がありました。
- 私たちは、すべてのもののための看板や値札を作る必要がありました。
- 高すぎず、安すぎず、適正な価格を決める必要がありました。
- 商品をラミネート、鋭利にならないように端を切って準備する必要がありました。
そんな準備が整ったところで、店主になる準備をしました。私たちは、これから考えなければならないことをすべて話しました。人が多すぎないか? 在庫は十分か? 人は私たちのお店で買いたいと思うだろうか? そして重要なのは、もし誰かがお金をたくさん出してくれたら、どうやってお釣りを渡せばいいのか? ということです。
Yellow KangarooとBlue Birdをバザーに招待して、買い物をしてもらいました。
Today was the day of Big Kids’ Bazaar at Ches.
Blue Bird
They prepared all the materials needed and they even made things laminated. The items were fancy-looking that we will treasure it nicely at home. We had some coins in the shopping bag as souvenirs from the bank.
In our circle time, we talked about shopping bags such as paper bag, plastic bag and eco bag. Which one is better to use? Which one will not hurt the Mother Earth? Let’s think about it. 🤔🤔
If we use plastic bag, we might throw it anywhere and others will be hurt like the fish in the sea. If we use eco bag, we can reuse it again but we need to wash and dry it up to keep it properly.
If we use paper bag, we can save the Earth for it is made of paper that’s why here at school, we used paper shopping bags, we designed it according to our choices. We made it pretty!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Maris
今日はChesでBig Kids’ Bazaarの日。
今年も、2月の「職業」のTopicにあわせて、CHES Bzaarを開催しました。
Yellow Kangaroo
White Owl, Red Foxの園児たちがチームを作り、お店の種類・商品開発から製造までラミネート加工をしながら丁寧に準備してくれました。Blue Bird, Yellow Kangarooの園児たちは、買い物バックのデザインを仕上げると、すっかりお客さま気分です。
サークルタイムでは、Ms. Marisからプラスティックバッグではなくペーパーバッグでなければならないのはなぜか?という問いかけに、海に流れていったらお魚が中に入って捕まってしまって出られなくなっちゃう!食べちゃうかも!風で飛んでいったら公園がゴミだらけになっちゃう! など、9月に学んだ資源のRecycle, Reuse, Reduce のReviewがあり、当時のことを思い出しながら一生懸命考えて答えてくれていました。
そして、いよいよBazaarへ! Mr. SeanのCHES BANKに立ち寄ってお金を引き出してからいざ出陣!
White Owlのお兄さん・お姉ちゃんがStationery store, Boutique, Pet Shopなどたくさんのお店を出しています。Red Foxのお兄さん、お姉さんとペアになってお買い物を楽しみました。たくさん買い物をして、お家には一番のお気に入りを一つ選んで持って帰ることに。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto