CHESプリ・クラスOriginal Monster!(独自の発想!)
Yesterday, the weather was so nice that everyone from Yellow Kangaroo to White Owl could go to the Koketani-Park. It was good to go for a walk, to go for a jog and to go for a run. Exercising is good for us!
Other nursery school children were also playing in the park, but compared to them CHES students listened well to the teacher’s instructions and played in an orderly and correct manner. I’m really sorry to be such an over-fond parent 😊
Everyone is now able to buddy up and walk in good manners on the way from and to school. Their nice behavior may be due to sports day practice.
After park time we had fun with Halloween crafts; Red Fox and White Owl made their own monsters.
Of course, this month’s topic is imagination, so each student decided to create an original monster of his or her own mind. It may seem easy to create an original work, but as children get older, they become more self-conscious, so it is not easy to create an original work with confidence and enjoyment.
This is because one student sometimes feels embarrassed that his or her ideas is different from those of others.
However, everyone was able to enjoy creating works with their own unique ideas. Great job everyone!
Yellow Kangaroo students also made a witch’s hat with Mr. Will!
Thank you.
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto
昨日は天気が良かったので、Yellow KangarooからWhite Owlまでの全員で、苔谷公園に行くことができました。散歩するのもよし、ジョギングするのもよし、走るのもよし。運動することはいいことですね。
公園の後は、ハロウィンの工作を楽しみました。Red FoxとWhite Owlは、自分たちでモンスターを作りました。
Yellow Kangarooの生徒もウィル先生と一緒に魔女の帽子を作りましたよ。