CHESプリ・クラスGrandparents’ Day(敬老の日)
Good afternoon!
How is everyone? It still feels like summer this past week… please drink lots of water. Let’s all stay healthy and safe.
Since Monday, Blue Bird and Yellow Kangaroo have been making their presents for Grandparent’s Day.
We made a special vase organizer for grandma and grandpa. Right now, it has a flower and hearts. But grandma and grandpa can organize their things such as pens and writing tools in the special gift.
First, we designed the origami paper that we will use to wrap the container.
We chose special origami papers for the other containers too since we will be making 3 of them.
Yellow Kangaroo painted the base. Blue Bird drew beautiful designs on it.
The students wrapped the origami paper around the tissue paper roll.
Yellow Kangaroo colored their ‘I Love Grandma/Grandpa’ hearts. Blue Bird wrote the words by themselves! Nice job.
Lastly, we glued the parts of the flower with our face on it.
Blue Bird can cut the parts of the craft by themselves.
When Blue Bird and Yellow Kangaroo saw the finished product, they were so happy with how nice it turned out. We hope that grandma and grandpa will receive the present with joy as well. 🙂
Thank you!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Ms. Maris and Ms. Patz
みなさんお元気ですか? この1週間はまだ夏のような感じですね… 水分をたくさんとってください。健康で安全に過ごしましょうね。
月曜日から、Blue Bird(年少)とYellow Kangaroo(年少未満)は、敬老の日のプレゼントを作っています。
Yellow Kangarooが土台に絵を描きました。Blue Birdがきれいな模様を描いてくれました。
Yellow Kangarooは「I Love Grandma/Grandpa」のハートに色を塗りました。Blue Birdは、自分で文字を書きました 上手に書けたね。
最後に、お花のパーツに顔をつけてのり付けしました。Blue Birdは自分でパーツを切って工作ができるようになりました。
出来上がったものを見たBlue BirdとYellow Kangarooは、「素敵になったね」と大喜びでした。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんにも喜んで受け取ってもらえるといいなと思います。)