

We’re back!(ホリデークラスが終わり通常のクラスに戻りました)

Hello everyone!

After Holiday Class, finally we’re back! We are mostly back to our calendar’s schedule.

Despite the interruptions, we were able to do many fun things regarding animals for the month of August. You already saw Ms. Masami’s classes about arctic animals, but I will give you a brief review of the other things we’ve been doing this month.

Animal Habitats

From the very first day of the month, we have classified a huge list of animals and had to think about where they live. We have a big pink poster on our wall with various places on Earth on it: jungle, forest, desert, and more.

Each week, we talk about different habitats and place different animals into their correct slots. Thinking about which animal goes where opens the conversation to talk about why, how they live, what they eat, and more!

After only a short time, we had many animals on the board.

We were quite proud that we could name every single one of them. We knew the differences between jungles and forests, carnivores and herbivores, and even different animal families.

Animal Behaviors

Learning about animals is a hands-on activity! After all, humans are part of the animal family too.

When thinking about where animals live and what they eat, we reviewed the parts of our body that require those different foods. We also built an animal-habitat-themed obstacle course to see what it would feel like to be an animal.

Swim across the vast ocean…
Through the dark jungle…

Across the slippery ice of the Antarctic…
Over the tall mountains…
And on until sunrise!

It seems the jungle was the most popular, but it did seem like a lot of fun.
Maybe that’s why so many animals and plants live in the jungle?

Park and Other Topics

In addition to the main topic, we continued our usual schedule when we could. This included many park trips when the weather was appropriate, crafts and papers, and English practice.

The park is a great place to come face-to-face with real wildlife. We encountered birds, bugs, and butterflies of all kinds!

Our crafty handiwork began again this last week when we started to work on something new. Using our rules, a careful hand, and a friend’s help, we can carefully measure and cut.

What are we making? Well, you’ll just have to find out!

Now with August concluding, we are finishing up all of our animal-related things.

We are beginning to focus on Sports Day practice, which will happen in just over 1 month’s time. Look forward to it! We are having a lot of fun practicing.

The Animal Habitat board is as full as can be, as we continue to add to it when we can.

And of course, our Fridays have been absolutely full of exciting stories and tales about what you all did during your vacation.

It was wonderful to hear about everyone’s summer memories, even from those who did not bring a Show and Tell but just explained their time. I’m happy that everyone was able to use their time well and to have a good time.

Let’s continue that feeling forward into September and beyond.
That’s all for now.
I’ll see you again in September!

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean






















そしてもちろん、金曜日は、皆さんが休暇中にしたことについてのエキサイティングな話や物語でいっぱいです。また、Show and Tellを持参せず、自分の時間を説明した人たちからも、みんなの夏の思い出を聞くことができ、とても嬉しかったです。みなさんが時間を上手に使い、楽しい時間を過ごせたことをうれしく思います。




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