CHESプリ・クラスAnother good week in the July heat! 🌞(7月の暑さの中、今週もお疲れさまでした)
Good afternoon! Is everyone doing well?
We had a peaceful Friday at CHES with PE class, Show and Tell, finishing our storybooks, and more.
Here is a review of some other things we did this week:
After almost two weeks of waiting, we finally had a good opportunity for Bug Bingo! You can look at the other post about it for some pictures, but we enjoyed it a lot.
We were finally able to get close to the bugs we had talked so much about, especially the cicadas. We can tell the male and female cicadas apart from the noises they make, and the colored plate on the male’s thorax.
We continued our studies when we went to the park again the next day. We could see many more cicadas there as well, and plenty of other bugs too.
We made sure to record which bugs we found. Please take a look in their School-To-Home folders for their bingo cards.
Due to the weather and the season, we were able to get plenty of extra vegetables from our garden this week as well. Red Fox and White Owl are sharing the crop! I hope you can enjoy the food at home.
As a bonus, any bugs we find in the garden can add to our lessons. Most people didn’t see any praying mantises during the Bug Bingo session, but if one shows up in the garden… Mr. Tai will catch it!
We are lucky that we can talk about insects, and then also see them up close in our classroom.
Our classroom needed a few more things to properly fit the season, too. We decided to take our heart craft from last month and change it to fit insects.
We would think about which insects were the same on both sides, and tried designing them so that we could cut them out easily. We ended up with butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs as the most popular. They turned out well!
We made sure to hang them up so you can see them from the window.
Finally, our studies continued with minibooks, stories, and more. We have learned a lot of bug names in English this month, but many other words, sentences, and ways to express ourselves too.
Just like our sunflowers, everyone is getting bigger, and blooming!
Please look forward to more events next week and beyond.
See you then.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean
CHESでは、体育の授業、Show and Tell、絵本の仕上げなど、平和な金曜日を過ごしました。
約2週間待ち続けたBug Bingoの良い機会がやっと訪れました。写真については投稿を見ていただくとして、私たちはとても楽しみました。
今週も天気と季節のおかげで、庭からたくさんの野菜を収穫することができました。Red FoxクラスとWhite Owlクラスが収穫を分け合っています。ご家庭で美味しく召し上がって頂ければと思います。
虫ビンゴではほとんどの人がカマキリを見ませんでしたが、もし庭にカマキリが現れたら Mr. Taiが捕まえてくれるでしょう。
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