「プリ・クラス」の年中・年長クラスWhite OwlとRed Foxのみんなは、5月のTopicである「5感」についてさまざまな体験を通して学んでいます。先日の「視覚👀」に引き続き、今回は「触覚✋」を英語で楽しく学んでいましたよ。
Find something in the dark!
Have you ever tried to find something in the dark? Or with your eyes closed?
We use our sense of touch to feel around our environment. We can tell if something is soft or hard, smooth or rough, and even hot or cold. Is that it for touch, though? Not at all!
When we touch something with our hands, a special part of our body sends a message to our brain. That part is our nervous system! We have nerves all through our body, from our toes to the top of our head. That means nearly any part of our body can be used to touch.
私たちは触覚を使って周囲の環境を感じています。柔らかいか硬いか、滑らかかざらざらしているか、熱いか冷たいか。しかし、触覚はそれだけでしょうか? そうではありません。
About the nervous system
In class, we talked about the nervous system and why it might be useful, especially regarding pain, itching, and more. Would it be good if we didn’t feel ouch after falling down? It might seem nice, but our brains make us feel pain for a reason!
It reminds us that we need to fix ourselves up, get medicine, stop bleeding, or to just stop doing what is causing us pain.
授業では、神経について、特に痛みやかゆみなどについて、なぜ神経が役に立つのかについて話しました。転んでも痛くないのはいいことなのでしょうか? いいことのように思えるかもしれませんが、脳が痛みを感じるのには理由があるのです。
We did an activity together where we hid some objects in a black bag. We couldn’t see them, so we needed to use our brains. We could touch, and in some cases hear, so we took turns and tried to remember everything we felt.
After a few minutes, we talked about what we felt.
- There was something soft… was it a shirt? Clothes? Or a cushion?
- There was something round… was it a ball? Or a balloon?
- There was something hard… was it a cup? Or a toy?
- There was something banana-shaped… was it a banana? Or a banana case?
数分後、私たちは感じたことについて話し合いました。柔らかい… シャツ? 服? それともクッション? 丸いもの… ボール? 風船? 固いもの… コップ? おもちゃ? バナナの形をしたもの… バナナ? バナナケース?
Our senses work as a team!
When we revealed everything, we were surprised! Some things we had guessed exactly correct, and others we had no idea! Some were pretty close. Altogether, the students guessed a little more than half of the objects correctly. Well done! Our sense of touch is pretty good.
When we felt the things with our eyes open, it all became clear. Our sense of touch is good, and our sense of sight too, but it’s the best when we join them together. Our senses work as a team!
In other news
In other news, we have been enjoying the bright and sunny weather. We had plenty of park activities this week, including exploring, playing, running, and singing too! We learned about why it is so important to have regular exercise outside. Not just to keep our body fit, but also to get fresh air and sunlight too. It’s all good for us! Except the mosquitos…