Making games out of sports!
Yesterday was bright and sunny, and we got our first taste of spring this year! We visited Koketani park, with multiple ideas for what kinds of sports we could try. We took advantage of the nice weather, and enjoyed the day!
昨日は晴天に恵まれ、今年初めての春を感じることができました! どんなスポーツをしようかと、何度もアイデアを出しながら、苔谷公園を訪れてみました。良い天気に恵まれた一日を楽しむことができましたよ。
With the park to ourself, we warmed up with some running. Our usual sport of choice is soccer, so we played that in our free time. But we had some other ideas too.
The first was volleyball. We had some interest in how it worked, and we had a volleyball to try out. What is different between a soccer ball and a volleyball? We gave it a try!
Positioning our hands was the easy part, but being in the right place so that we bounced the ball in the right direction was not! We practiced moving around to get under the ball. We also tried with the pink bouncy ball, which was easier to hit.
最初はバレーボール。バレーボールに興味があったので、試しにバレーボールを持ってみました。サッカーボールとバレーボールはどこが違うのでしょう? 試してみることに。
Another thing we tried was something we learned about that morning. Before the park, we had begun to put together another kind of sports game. It was called ring toss!
By using our paper plates and scissors, we cleverly cut out the center and tried to carefully make a circular hole. These would act as our rings. We would need to add more to them to make them good rings, though.
If they were too light, they would not fly straight. We needed to make them symmetrical, with some weight around the edges. We considered ideas to improve them, but that will come later!
For now, we brought our outdoor rings to the park. They were much heavier, and throwing them so that they stayed flat was not easy. However, it was very satisfying when we landed them on the cones!
Our goal with the paper plates was to make a similar game we could play in the classroom. We will see how it goes!
For now, we will continue preparing for the end of the year and learning more about new things. For example, we learned about a sport no one knew about: Teqball! Do you think you would be good at it?
【World Teqball Championships】
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
CHES Spring Holiday Class参加者募集開始のお知らせです
2024年CHES春休みのHoliday Classは、4匹の動物たちが旅をする「ブレーメンの音楽隊」がテーマです。一人一人は小さくてか弱いのですが、みんなで協力すると不思議な力が携わります。
「英語」だけではないCHESの「Holiday Class Magic」にぜひ、ご参加ください。