CHESプリ・クラスSharing smiles with family and friends 😊(家族やお友だちと笑顔を分かち合う)
Hello again!
The weather has been changing a lot recently. Make sure to take care, but also take advantage of the sunny days! That’s what we’ve been doing at CHES. We are lucky to go to the park many times, and enjoy playing together.
“Yellow Kangaroo” and “Blue Bird” love to play with the big kids, and “Red Fox” and “White Owl” learn a lot about how to play nicely and carefully around others. Hopefully we will get many more opportunities before June ends!
This past week, we have started learning about our family tree and who belongs to our family. There are lots of words to remember, so we’ve been studying a lot. In Japanese, you might call a good friend or playmate a “sister” or “brother”, but in English, we usually only use those words for family!
In addition to learning vocabulary, we also talked about:
- How to help at home with chores
- What kinds of rooms and things you might find in your house
- Why different people have different families
- How to show your love to your family members
There is so much we can do every day to be thoughtful! And not just for our family: our friends are important too! This week, we will focus on friends, and how we can get better at helping and playing with each other.
Some other things to note:
“White Owl” has been studying hard with their textbooks, as well as “Red Fox” practicing their word families.
We spent some time on crafts too, including an origami project where we made our own house.
We used our rulers to measure and cut out doors and windows, so we can draw what’s happening inside.
Look out for pictures of the finished product this week! Finally, a secret project… What could this be for?!
Even thought we’ve been hard at work, we’ve also been making sure to have fun. It’s important to find a balance between the two.
Remember, the best way to make others happy is to first be happy ourselves.
So let’s smile and have a fun week together!
See you soon!
最近、天気の変化が激しいですね。変化に気をつけながら、晴れの日も利用するようにしましょう。 CHESでもそうしています。公園になんども行き、みんなで楽しく遊べているのはラッキーです。
「Yellow Kangaroo」と「Blue Bird」は大きな子供たちと遊ぶのが大好きで、「Red Fox」と「White Owl」は、どうしたら周りの人に優しく、注意深く遊べるかをたくさん学んでいます。6月が終わるまでに、もっとたくさんの機会があるといいですね。
この一週間は、Family Tree (家族の様子)と家族の構成について学び始めました。覚えなければならない単語がたくさんあるので、たくさん勉強しています。
- 家事の手伝い方
- 家の中にはどんな部屋や物があるか?
- なぜ人によって家族が違うのか
- 家族への愛情の伝え方
「White Owl」は教科書を一生懸命勉強し、「Red Fox」は「word families(動詞や名詞などの品詞が違う単語のグループ)」を練習しています。
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean