White Owl / Red Fox Class
One of the most important parts of our unit on food is where we get our food from. As we continue to talk about food, we need to think about everyone who worked hard to get the food on our plate.
The earth, animals, and plants that we took from to eat. The farmers who grow and raise the food. The workers who process, make, and sell the food. The mommies and daddies who work hard and provide us with the food.
Today, we were able to enjoy the food we got from the harvest we did last month. We said thank you to everyone, and to the earth for giving us such yummy sweet potatoes!
But we didn’t just pull them from the ground and eat them. We needed to prepare and cook them first, so that’s what we did!
Working with Blue Bird, we began by wrapping the sweet potatoes in newspaper. We wet the newspaper with water, to make sure it would steam the potatoes when it was in the oven. Then we wrapped it with aluminum foil to cook it nicely.
Nice work! With all our potatoes wrapped and shiny, they were ready to go into the oven. We would see them later, after Ms. Masami cooked them for us. We said thank you to her, of course! Then, after lunch, we got to try them!
Success! They were super yummy and creamy. The newspaper was a good idea. It made them taste even better than usual. If you are cooking sweet potatoes at home, maybe you can try this too!
Blue Birdクラスの協力を得て、まずサツマイモを新聞紙で包みました。新聞紙を水で濡らし、オーブンで焼いたときに芋が蒸し焼きになるようにしたのです。それからアルミホイルで包んで、きれいに焼き上げました。
みんな上手に包むことができました。サツマイモをアルミホイルで包むとピカピカになって、オーブンに入れる準備ができました。その後は、Ms. Masamiが調理してくれました。もちろん、ありがとうと言いましたよ。そして昼食後、みんなでいただきました。
焼き加減は大成功! 超美味しくてクリーミー。新聞紙はいいアイデアでした。新聞紙のおかげでいつもより美味しくなりました。もし家で焼き芋を作るなら、これも試してみるといいかもしれないですよ。
Blue Bird Class
Today we celebrated the Thanksgiving Day here is CHES!
We joined White Owl and Red Fox in the morning to wrap the sweet potatoes we harvested earlier. It was finally the time for us to enjoy eating them all together!
We listed down the things that we are happy to have in our lives. We said, I am grateful for mommy and daddy. I am grateful for food, etc. We discussed what means to be grateful for something.
For the Thanksgiving Day, we did a special craft too! We made turkeys by using cardboards.
今日はCHESで感謝祭を祝いました。朝、White OwlとRed Foxクラスと一緒に、収穫したサツマイモを包みました。いよいよみんなで食べる時が来たのです。
Yellow Kangaroo Class
For today we had many activities such as sweet potato wrapping and rhythmic class. We had so much fun singing and dancing with teachers and friends. The rhythmic class was exciting because we heard many new songs. We can listen and sing at home too.
In line with Thanksgiving Celebration, we would like to express our gratitude to our family and friends. Giving thanks is the best way to make people happy and smile. We appreciate small and big things people share to us.
Thank you, mom, thank you dad, thank you sister, thank you brother, thank you grandma, thank you grandpa and thank you everybody.
Thanksgiving is a gathering wherein family and friends share a happy meal with complete go, grow and glow foods at the table. The very common food is turkey, but we can have chicken as alternative or any other meat. Trying new one is good. We ate the sweet potatoes after waiting for 1 hour. It was tasty and creamy. It was naturally sweet.