

毎日が「Earth Day」



そして今週は、「地球にやさしく」をテーマにみんなで「Clean-up Drive(清掃活動)」にでかけます。

Every Day is Earth Day 🌏

Can you believe that this week is the last week of September? It feels like time has really flown by. The last week has been completely full of activities, from Sports Day practice to learning about recycling and the Earth.

At the park, we were able to practice the relay race properly, making a big circuit to run. We practiced running as fast as we could, and passing the baton without slowing down.

今週が9月最終週だなんて、信じられますか? 時間が経つのが本当に早く感じます。先週は、運動会の練習、リサイクルや地球について学ぶことまで、アクティビティが目白押しでした。


The importance of taking care of the Earth!

Our lessons were on the importance of taking care of the Earth! Having read the story of the Lorax earlier in the year, we remembered what happened when all the trees were cut down.

We reviewed the book, and saw that it wasn’t just cutting trees, but also dumping garbage in the water and polluting the air. We voiced our opinions on what we thought was a good idea, and what wasn’t.

We shared our new ideas with each other. Using our brains, we devised robots, machines, and special vehicles that could scoop up garbage, eat the smoke in the air, and even perform automatic clean-up drives! They were funny and would be nice, but what can we do now?

We looked at a book about Earth Day, and saw many suggestions for things we can do ourselves. Things like planting seeds, saving water, cleaning up garbage, recycling, and reducing energy use.



「Earth Day」についての本を読み、自分たちができることをたくさん提案しました。種を植える、水を節約する、ゴミを片付ける、リサイクルする、エネルギーの使用を減らすなどです。

Where does it come from?

Speaking of energy, what is it? Where does it come from? We know the lights will turn on when we flip the switch, but why? What gives it power? We thought about different ways to get energy, and which were the best for the Earth. How do we get energy from the sun, or from water? Well, tried it ourselves!

Our water wheel spun when water was poured on it. We imagined adding an engine or battery to the end to get powered up.

Then, we changed the wheel by attaching string. We saw that we could wind up the string, and then make it spin by releasing it. This is another kind of energy, but because I needed to wind it up first, it’s not very useful.

Finally, we changed it a third time by adding bent cards to the end. This wheel would spin when in front of the fan! Yes, wind power is another way to get energy. It worked very well!

We will likely continue these experiments next week, so look forward to that. Additionally, we will perform our own clean-up drive on Tuesday. We are hoping to gather as much as we can to do our part!

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean

エネルギーといえば何だろう?どこから来るのだろう? スイッチを入れれば電気がつくことは知っています。なにがエネルギー源なのでしょうか?私たちはエネルギーを得るためのさまざまな方法について考え、どれが地球にとって最適かを考えてみました。太陽や水からエネルギーを得るにはどうしたらいいのだろう? それなら、自分たちでやってみよう!



最後に、私たちは端が折れ曲がった羽を追加して3回変更してみました。この羽は扇風機の前で回転!  そうです、風力発電もエネルギーを得る方法のひとつなのです。とてもうまく実験できました!

来週もこのような実験を続ける予定なので、楽しみにしていてください。さらに、火曜日には「clean-up drive(清掃活動)」を行う予定です。できるだけ多くのゴミを集めて、自分たちの役割を果たしたいと思っています!




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