


9月になり、朝晩の風が少し涼しくなってきましたね。気温も少し落ち着いてきたので10月の「Sports Day」の準備も着々と進み始めました。月が替わってCHES「プリ・クラス」のTopicも、「動物」から「地球」に替わります。



Run as Fast as You Can!

We were able to visit due to the lower temperature and overcast clouds. We took the opportunity to introduce some of the Sports Day events, including the relay race.

White Owl participated in the relay race last year, but it would be a first for Red Fox. We explained the methods of catching the baton, lining up and getting ready to go, and staying within the running area. We also emphasized the most important rule: RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!

気温が低く、曇り空、(それほど暑くないので)公園にいくことができました。この機会に、リレー・レースを含む運動会の種目をいくつか説明しました。White Owlは昨年リレーに参加しましたが、Red Foxは今年が初めて。バトンの受け方、整列と準備、トラック内での待ち方などを説明。また、最も重要なルールも強調しました。それは 「全力で走ること!」です💪

Extreme Nature

While we were enjoying nature outside, we spent the time inside the class thinking about nature as well.

With our topic of earthquakes, volcanoes, and other kinds of extreme nature continued, we tried different methods of visualizing and experiencing it. One thing we tried was building a “seismometer”, or something that can locate and measure the source of earthquakes. Of course, it’s a very delicate and complicated machine, but our version was quite easy!

We simply balanced a ball on a straw, and then bumped the table it was sitting on. The ball would fall into the cup closest to the bump! The kids took turns testing the machine in their free time. We saw that it was excellent at detecting big bumps, but bumps that were too small made the ball go anywhere. Good to know!




The Movement of the Earth

Another model we made of the movement of the Earth was using clay.

By making two flat plates out of clay and then smashing them together, we could simulate what happens when tectonic plates hit each other. The two sides of the plates rise up, forming a mountain. This is how the Earth formed its hills and valleys millions of years ago!



We continued our usual things this week too.

  1. We enjoyed an interesting pianica class;
  2. We gave well-written Show and Tell presentations;
  3. We discussed endangered animals and learned about new animals we didn’t know;
  4. We worked on English literacy together and did worksheets;

And we made and read a new mini-book about penguins. Make sure to read it together with your child to learn something new!

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean


  1. 興味深いピアニカのクラスを楽しみました;
  2. よくできたShow and Tellのプレゼンテーションをしました;
  3. 絶滅の危機に瀕している動物について話し合い、知らなかった新しい動物について学びました;
  4. 英語の読み書きに取り組み、ワークシートを作りました;


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