


8月のTopic「動物」の最終週のRed foxとWhite Owl(年中・年長)クラスの様子です。ここですべてをご紹介しきれないのが本当に残念なのですが、8月の動物にまつわる話題やactivityは、このほかにも超!盛沢山だったのです。外も暑い夏でしたが、教室の中もみんなの熱いエネルギーが満ち溢れていましたよ。

We made our own hopping frogs

In the class, we also needed to wrap up our animal adventures.  With the end of August so near, we only had a short time to finish what we started. We needed to discuss Australia, a continent with many unique animals, and Antarctica, a continent with very few!

We could classify animals by their habitat and their families, but another way to think about them was how they move. Different animals have different body parts, and we needed to think about why that is.

One of the categories of movement is hopping! More animals than you might expect move by hopping. Kangaroos, rabbits, some mice, grasshoppers, and of course frogs as well.

We made our own hopping frogs, complete with the lily pads they sit on. They were a little wiggly! Hm, that looks pretty similar to how a real frog moves…

Frogs are a good animal to design, because there are so many different colors of frogs in the world! We thought back to our continents: we saw green pond frogs in North America, big brown toads in Europe, and brightly colored poison dart frogs in South America. We chose whatever colors we wanted, and made them look good!

After making the lily pads and frogs, we attached them by folding a small piece of paper in a zigzag pattern. It wasn’t easy, but we made it work in the end! Our frogs were wiggling and bouncing all over the place.

私たちのクラスでも、動物たちをめぐる冒険をまとめる必要がありました。 8月も終わりに近づき、私たちが始めたことを終えるには短い時間しかありませんでした。ユニークな動物がたくさんいるオーストラリアと、ほとんどいない南極大陸について話し合う必要がありました。






We also made koalas

The next animal we wanted to make was the koala. Koalas are cute and fluffy, and they like to hold on tight to their branches. Using clothespins and a bit of fluffy material, we decided to make our own new koala friends!

Tracing the template wasn’t easy, especially around the ears, but we took our time and practiced cutting nicely. For our world animals and frogs, we cut with a wide border to make them easier to paste. This koala needed to be cut directly along the line though, so we needed to take it slow.

Next, we needed to design the face and add the fluff. We decided to put it on the ears, and maybe the tummy too. It made them even cuter!

Finally, we attached the clothespins to their hands and feet, to let them attach to things! How many different things can the koala climb? Books and papers? Hanging from a string? Or even on you? We enjoyed playing with our koala friends, and learning about them too.

We will be sad when the animal adventures end in September, but I promise that there will be plenty of new and interesting things to learn. Let’s enjoy the rest of the year, as we have many more adventures yet to experience!




最後に、手と足に洗濯ばさみを付けて、物にくっつけられるようにしました。コアラは何種類のものに登れるかな? 本や紙? 紐にぶら下がる? 自分の上にも? 私たちはコアラの友だちと遊ぶことを楽しみ、コアラについても学びました。


100 days of CHES

Also, tomorrow will officially be 100 days of CHES. Did you notice how much you’ve grown? We looked at the height charts and saw that all of us grew at least a little bit. Of course, our brains grew a lot more than our bodies!

Let’s have 100 more great days!

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean

そうなんです。明日でCHESのクラスは(新学期から)正式に100日を迎えることになります。みんながどれだけ成長したか気づきましたか? 身長のグラフを見てみると、全員が少なくとも成長しています。もちろん、頭脳は体よりもずっと成長していますよ。あと100日も続けて頑張りましょうね。



育児・教育環境として、なぜ? CHESなのか。1歳半からの「英語で」ひらく子どもたちの未来について詳しくお話したいと思います。



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