

Gardens of Our Own

I hope you are having a good week. Even though it will be a bit rainy this week, we can imagine the plants are happy with all the nourishment.

Speaking of plants, we are still watering and caring for our own plants. Later this week, we intend to plant some more, too! Look forward to that.

今週も良い一週間をお過ごしでしょうか。今週は少し雨模様のようですが、植物たちは栄養をもらって喜んでいることでしょう。植物といえば、私たちもまだ水やりや手入れを続けています。今週末には、また植物を植える予定です! 楽しみにしていてください。

Making designs for our shared gardens

Last week, we left off with making designs for our shared gardens in the classroom. We drew on paper as a team and used our rulers to make sure they could be linked up.

This week, we continued it by adding our flowers! We knew flowers needed stems, leaves, and flowers. Last Friday, we used paper to make all the different parts.

We could use the funny scissors to make unique lines, too. Plants have different leaves and different textures. Some are smooth, and some are spiky. We could make all different types!

With that part finished, our job this week was to combine them! We cut out the flowers and added them one by one to our beautiful gardens. It was like planting seeds, but much quicker!

With our garden complete, we can now look at beautiful flowers both inside and outside. Good work, everyone!




その部分が終わったので、今週の私たちの仕事は、それらを組み合わせることでした! 花を切り抜き、美しい庭に一つずつ加えていきました。種を蒔くようなものですが、もっと手早くできます!


Take care of all living things.

Our circle time today was full of life as well.

And not just our new dances! We also talked about what makes living things different. What makes people different from animals? What about plants? How are they different from us?

We had lots of good ideas! One important thing we came away with was that even if we are different, we should still care about each other. Take care of all living things.

We also finished the story of The Lorax today. It had the same message. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will change!


私たちは良いアイデアをたくさん持ちました! 私たちが得た重要なことのひとつは、たとえ私たちが異なっていても、お互いを大切にするべきだということです。すべての生き物を大切にしましょう。


We got to play hockey!

As a special treat, we decided to play a fun game in CHES park today. Even though it’s rainy, we can still enjoy ourselves. We got to play hockey!

Hockey uses a stick to hit the ball into the goal. We had three teams, and we raced to score! It was so fun, we played for a long time. We needed to shoot the ball into the correct goal to go back to our friends. The balls and goals were color-coded, so we knew where to go. We changed the position of the goals as we played, to make it more difficult!

After a while, we changed the course to an obstacle course! We could work on our handling of the stick and ball while still scoring goals for our team. It was quite a workout!

That’s everything I have to say for now.

今日は特別に、CHES parkで楽しいゲームをすることにしました。雨が降っていても、私たちは楽しむことができます。私たちはホッケーをすることになりました!

ホッケーはスティックを使ってボールをゴールに打ち込みます。3つのチームに分かれて、得点を競い合いました! とても楽しくて、長い時間遊んでいました。ボールを正しいゴールにシュートして、友だちのところに帰らないといけないのです。ボールとゴールは色分けされていたので、どこに行けばいいのかがわかりました。ゴールの位置を変えながら遊ぶと、より難しくなります!

しばらくすると、コースを障害物コースに変えました! スティックやボールの扱い方を練習しながら、チームのゴールを目指します。かなりの運動量でしたよ!


The classroom right now is quite happy and cheerful. Even on gloomy days, we are singing and dancing at all times. Sometimes when we have free time after lunch, a song will make an impromptu dance party begin!

I hope everyone continues to enjoy their spring. We are looking forward to May in the classroom.

See you next time!

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean




ところで、みなさん、ひらいた松ぼっくりって、水にいれると閉じてしまうこと、知っていました? 今回、4月のTopic:Plantsの実験をみて、私は初めて知りました。身近なところにもまだまだ面白いことは、たくさんありそうですね。松ぼっくりの「秘密」は、こちらでも紹介されていますので、ご参照ください。


新学期が始まって、はやくも1か月が過ぎようとしています。4月は特に、子どもたちみんなが成長していく様子が楽しい季節。Yellow Kangarooのみんなも、徐々に糸通しをマスターし始めています。

Plantsの成長や実験も楽しい4月のTopicでしたが、やっぱりCHESの子どもたちの「Play, Learn, Grow Together!」が一番楽しくて、嬉しいです。

International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto

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