

Have a happy holiday and a happy Mother’s Day! (ママへ、いつもありがとう!)

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Though we only had two days at CHES this week, we were able to enjoy a lot of different things during “Golden Week”.

For example, we began making our own “koinobori” model from scratch.

We talked all about fish and how they breathe, as well as why they are used as symbols on Children’s Day.

Hopefully we can grow up strong and keep reaching new heights.

Also, we are continuing to watch our plants grow!

Seedlings and sprouts are coming out of the ground, and our volunteers are doing their best to remember to water them.

…Which is perfect for our Mother’s Day card!

We knew all about seeds and flowers already. So let’s make a unique design using paint and bottles!

“Red Fox” and “White Owl” did a good job of being careful with paint.

It’s not easy to paint everyone’s cards without making a mess, but we did a good job!

Thank you for everything you do, and Happy Mother’s Day from CHES teachers as well.

Have a good weekend. See you next time!




Red Fox(年中)とWhite Owl(年長)の園児は、絵の具の扱いに気をつけながら上手に塗りました。みんな、カードを汚さずに塗るのは大変だったけど、上手に塗れたね! 「ママへ、いつもありがとうございます!」CHESの先生たちからも、A happy Mother’s Day!


International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean