CHESプリ・クラスWelcome to New School Year!
うららかな春の陽気のなか、今年度のインターナショナル・プリスクールCHESはスタート! 新しいお友だちを迎えて賑やかな進級式となりました。
Mr. Seanから新しいクラスとお名前を呼ばれると、ちょっとくすぐったい様子で、それでもしっかりと大きな声で “Good morning! I’m here!”と大きな声でお返事ができていました。
Circle Timeの後にMr. Seanが読んでくれた “Our Sweet Home”は、かくれんぼのお話です。Mr. Seanが出すヒントを手掛かりに、絵本のどこになにが隠れているのかを探すのにみんな夢中です。
Spring is here! Let’s enjoy the weather! 🌞
The first couple days of our new school year have been bright and sunny. That’s perfect, because it matches how we feel: excited and full of energy!
The new Blue Birds had a good opportunity to join with the Red Fox and White Owl classes. In class, we enjoyed our time with songs, dances, and English lessons.
新学期が始まってから数日間は、明るく晴れやかな日が続いています。それは、私たちの気持ちとぴったりです! 新しいBlue Birdsは、Red FoxとWhite Owlのクラスと一緒に過ごす機会を得ました。クラスでは、歌やダンス、英語のレッスンで楽しく過ごしました。
Today, we took the opportunity to go to the park, too.
It was beautiful and sunny, and we were able to play a lot! It was some Blue Birds’ first-time walking to small park, so good job to them.
天気もよくて、たくさん遊べました! 初めてSmall-Prakまで歩いたというBlue Birdsもいて、よくできました👍
After the park, we went back to CHES to take a break and eat some food. We had a nice lunch together.
In the morning, we had practiced our ABCs, and used them to name different spring words. A was April, and B was Bee! We had some good ones, but my favorite was E.
E was for Easter Egg!
Easter is a fun holiday that we will enjoy later in the week. Together, we took some time designing and coloring some nice-looking Easter eggs.
Hm, we have some cheesy posers in this class… I guess that means we’re going to have some nice pictures!
After we sang a few more songs and finished our storybook from yesterday. It was a fun spring day. We will continue to do fun things this April, so please continue to enjoy them along with us!
That’s all for now from me. See you next time, and make sure to make the most of the weather!
その後、何曲か歌い、昨日の絵本を仕上げました。楽しい春の一日でした。この4月も楽しいことを続けていきますので、これからも一緒に楽しんでください! それでは、私からは以上です。それではまた次回、お天気に恵まれることを祈っています!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
Happy new school year!
Today is the second day of the new school year!
The first thing the Yellow Kangaroo students need to understand is the rules in school. Getting in line, sitting down, waiting for friends, listening to the teacher, etc.,
If they do not understand these rules, injuries and accidents can occur. It may seem very simple and easy, but it is very important. We would like to spend enough time practicing.
今日は新学期の2日目です! Yellow Kangarooの生徒がまず理解しなければならないのは、学校でのルールです。列に並ぶこと、座ること、友だちを待つこと、先生の話を聞くこと、などなど。これらのルールを理解していないと、ケガや事故が起こる可能性があります。とてもシンプルで簡単なことのように思えるかもしれませんが、とても大切なことなのです。十分な時間をかけて練習していきたいと思います。
Easter is coming!
We had fun crafting Easter eggs, and the children had a great time making them. Also, all the children were busy using their fingers!
*Fine-Motor Skills vs. Gross-Motor Skills
Fine-motor skills require coordination of the small muscles and joints of the fingers, hands, and wrists. Gross-motor skills require larger muscles and joints to coordinate the movement of the arms, legs, and body.
Fine-motor skillsは、指、手、手首の小さな筋肉や関節を調整する必要があります。Gross-motor skillsは、腕、脚、体の動きを調整するために、より大きな筋肉と関節を必要とします。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto