CHESプリ・クラスWe also learned about the Hinamaturi.
We are now in the World Sports Topic
Blue Bird
We are now in the World Sports Topic because it is March. We will talk more about Sports and Games this month.
We went to Koketani Park – running a lot! Then we played ‘throw and catch’ there. Blue Bird is trying so hard to learn how to throw nicely. We are learning how to be strong in catching the ball. We will do more next time.
During PE time they enjoyed the jump rope too. Some of them can jump 2,3,4,5 times. Good job for the beginners!
We also learned about the Hinamaturi.
First, we saw the Plum Blossom Flowers. Since there were no peach blossoms at CHES😥, we decided to look at red and white plum blossoms. It is a sign of Spring.
Then we did our crafts on Friday – exactly Hinamatsuri Day or Girl’s Festival. We can see many dolls outside and let’s appreciate the beauty of it.
They chose their own origami paper. They used their imagination to make their designs unique. They made their crafts by themselves. I just assisted them with some parts. Please enjoy the craft at home. They will tell you a lot about the things inside.
For some information, Hinamatsuri is called Girls’ festival too. Families and friends pray for the happiness and healthy growth of all the girls in the world. Some families display dolls at home. Do you have one at home?
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Maris
私たちは苔谷公園へ行き、たくさん走り回り、そして、そこで「スロー&キャッチ」をしました。Blue Birdクラスは、きれいな投げ方を覚えようと一生懸命です。私たちは、ボールをキャッチするときの強さを学んでいます。次回はもっと頑張ります。
ちなみに、ひな祭りは「女の子の節句」とも呼ばれています。 家族や友人が、世の中の女の子の幸せと健やかな成長を祈ります。家に雛人形を飾る家庭もあります。あなたのお家にもありますか?
White Owl/Red Fox
We had a fun and exciting week this week in Red Fox and White Owl. We started talking about sports, and played various sports games at the park.
In addition to the usual topic though, we talked all about graduation, the new school year, and practiced singing songs.
As a festive bonus, we also added princes and princesses to our scrapbook to celebrate Hinamatsuri.
I hope everyone has a wonderful March this year! Let’s welcome the spring with good luck.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean
今週のRed FoxとWhite Owlでは、楽しくてエキサイティングな一週間を過ごしました。スポーツについて話し始め、公園で様々なスポーツゲームをしました。いつもの話題に加え、卒業式や新学期について話したり、歌の練習をしたりしました。
Yellow Kangaroo
Yellow Kangarooの園児たちも、一生懸命、おひな様をつくってみました。ほんの数か月前にはいってきてくれた幼いお友だちもすっかり慣れて、楽しく工作に参加できるようになりました。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto