CHESプリ・クラスBugs, bugs, bugs, and more bugs! 🐛(虫…)
Good morning everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. The weather is changing a lot, so let’s take care and stay safe and cool.
Ever since July started, ‘Red Fox’ and ‘White Owl’ have been crazy about BUGS!
Each day, we take another look at the bug alphabet, and pick a new one to talk about. We have learned all about the many unique and exciting types of creatures there are out there. And there are many!
For the first week, we decided to review all the types of bugs that we knew already by using clay. We could turn the clay into any shape we wanted, so we made many beautiful creations. This was so popular that we did it again the next day!
Additionally, we have been learning about what makes something an insect. Not all bugs are insects! We know they need antenna, six legs, and three important body parts.
Since it is July, there is one bug in particular that we can hear almost every day now.
Yes, it’s the cicada!
We learned all about the cicada’s life cycle: how it lays eggs under the ground, hibernates for many years while drinking tree sap, and then comes up to change into an adult! We also learned why it makes the sounds it does.
As a fun craft, we decided to make our own cicadas. It would take a lot of work though. We needed to use origami, paste, colours, and our own designing flair!
In the end, they turned out great. Hopefully soon, we can visit the real cicadas in the park!
For now, we will continue our English lessons in the classroom whenever we can.
We are focusing on action words and reading in White Owl, and short vowels in Red Fox. Let’s practice every day to get better and better!
Thank you, and see you soon!
皆さん、素敵なロングウィークエンドを過ごされましたか? 天気が大きく変わるので、気をつけて、安全に涼しく過ごしましょう。
7月が始まって以来、Red Fox(年中)クラスとWhite Owl(年長)クラスは虫に夢中です。
今のところ、私たちはできる限り教室で英語のレッスンを続けています。White Owlクラスではアクションワードとリーディング、Red Foxクラスでは短母音に重点を置いています。
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean
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