

6月は「 Love💛」

あっという間に6月を迎えることになりました。季節が進むのは本当に早いものですね。月が替わり「プリ・クラス」のTopicも自分自身のことから、自身のまわりのものに目を向けていきます。「Everything I love! 」。年少クラスのBlue Birdでは、さっそく好きな食べ物の確認から始まりました。

A new month, a new topic! Everything I love

June is already here. Every time we look back, we get surprised how quickly the time passes. It has been already two months since we became students in Blue Bird class and we stepped in our third month now. In this month, we are going to discover a lot of things about ourselves and we will learn to talk about the things that we like. We are also going to be talking about our family and friends.

もう6月です。振り返るたびに、時の流れの早さに驚かされます。Blue Birdクラスの生徒になってからすでに2ヶ月が経ち、3ヶ月目に突入です。この1ヶ月、私たちは自分自身についてたくさんのことを発見し、自分の好きなものについて話すことを学びます。また、家族や友だちについても話し合います。

On Monday, we started discussing about our topic favorite foods. We talked about what foods are our favorite ones and when we eat them! We talked about many types of foods such as vegetables, fruits, and other things! Ice cream, broccoli and pizza were among the popular foods! It turned out that what we like is pretty balanced already!


After talking about our favorite foods, we started doing our craft. We had different type of foods on our paper and we needed to color the ones that are our favorites. After coloring them, we started cutting them to create our favorite paper plate. While doing the craft, we realized that our cutting skills have improved compared to the beginning of the school year!


We were happy to see that we are getting better at using scissors and requiring less teacher help. After cutting, we pasted our favorite foods on our plates. It was fun even though we made a lot of mess in the classroom with the small pieces of paper that we cut😅. But cleaning up after an activity is a part of our classroom rules! We are responsible enough to clean up the mess we create anyway.


Later, we talked about our favorite animal/animals. We discussed what sound they make and played a guessing game later by making the animal sounds but not telling their name.


After that, we started reading our book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? It was a fun book. We saw many different kinds of animals in that book and repeated the sentences together. I see a … .

その後は、「Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?」。楽しい絵本でした。私たちはその本の中でたくさんの種類の動物を見て、一緒に文章を繰り返しました。I see a … .




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