なんと、地球上でもっとも多い生き物は「昆虫」だそうです。ご存じでしたか? さらに昆虫たちの「体の構造」や「life cycle」も確認でき、子どもたちの好奇心をくすぐる内容でした。
もしかすると、CHESの年間Topicのなかで一番盛り上がるのが、この「Insects」なのかもしれません😊 きっと、季節的にも身近な話題が満載で飽きることがないからでしょうね。
Did you know that most animals on Earth are insects?
The insects are the largest group of animals. In fact, about 75 percent of all animals are insects. Insects developed on Earth long before humans did.
This week we did a variety of activities about insects and deepened our understanding of them. Where insects live? What is their food? What is different from the other bug? And about their life cycle.
Insects have three major body segments, Head, Thorax, Abdomen. Insects also have six legs. This is one way that insects differ from spiders, which have eight legs. Insects also have at least one pair of antennas.
And to our surprise, the insects have no bones.
Indeed! Wow! No bones like jellyfish? How do they support their bodies? Exoskeletons, they are covered with a tough shell that supports and protects their bodies. It’s like armor of knight. Yes, they are invertebrates! And we touched our backs. We have backbones! So, we are vertebrates.
確かに!すごい!クラゲのように骨がない?どうやって体を支えているのでしょう? 外骨格と呼ばれる丈夫な殻で覆われていて、体を支え守っています。騎士の鎧のようなものです。そう、彼らは無脊椎動物なのだ! そして私たちは背中に触れました。私たちには背骨があるのです! つまり、私たちは脊椎動物なのです。
We observed the life cycle of a butterfly. After they are born from eggs, they grow up looking completely different and eating completely different foods. Amazing!
We humans are all the same shape from when we are born, from when we are babies, now and in the future, even our grandparents are all the same shape. Yes, hamburgers are delicious!
And another interesting thing was that different insects change their shapes differently. Complete metamorphosis!
Our learning never stopped. We also discussed about ” If bees disappear from the world”.
Of cause, we also enjoyed crafts. Ladybugs are good at flying and crawling, and they live in grasslands. And our good partner, the bee.
During the two weeks, everyone from Blue Bird joined Red Fox to White Owl. This has given the children more experience in helping each other, taking care of each other, and cooperating with each other.
I also have grown up together with everyone, discovering and learning new things!
この2週間は、Blue Bird、Red Fox、White Owlまで全員参加。そのおかげで、子どもたちはお互いに助け合い、世話をし合い、協力し合う経験をより多く積むことができました。
Yellow Kangaroo
Yellow Kangarooの子どもたちも、お兄ちゃん・お姉ちゃんと活動する時間が多くて、大はしゃぎでした。雨が多く、湿度と高温の日が多かったので、なかなか公園に行けない日々でしたが、その分、P・Eの時間ではさらに大はしゃぎ😃
それでも、ちゃんとクラフトは机に座って参加できるようになってきました。みんなで作ったのは、ladybug。気のせいか、Yellow Kangarooの子どもたちが昆虫の名前を覚えるのは、他の単語を覚えるよりも早いような気がします。
たしか赤い形は、先日までは「apple」か「tomato」、「strawberry」だったような…💦 やはり子どもたちは身近な単語から覚えていくのでしょうね。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto