CHESホリデー・クラスCHES 2022 Winter Holiday Class、無事に楽しく終了しました!
CHES 2022 Winter Holiday Class
CHES 2022 Winter Holiday Class、クラスでは楽しく学ぶことができ、お天気にも恵まれ公園で走り回り楽しく遊ぶこともできました。
今回は、プリ・クラスの在園生、卒園生、アフター・クラスのお友だち、そして初めてCHESに参加するお友だちも含め、2歳から小学3年生(+卒園生・中1のAssistantのお姉ちゃん)までの幅広い大勢での開催。定員を大幅に上回るこの大人数で本当に大丈夫? と少し心配していたのですが、いつも以上に活気にあふれた楽しく内容のある5日間を過ごすことができました。
2022 Winter Holiday ClassのTopicは、エリック・カールの絵本「Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me(パパ、お月さまとって!)」。しかし、Holiday Classは、「月」にとどまることなく、宇宙にもひろがる内容の濃い5日だったので、それらをぐっと凝縮、ダイジェストにして紹介しておきますね。
Holiday Class – Day 1
SEAN’S CLASS(Asteroids, Moon Phases, etc.)
Today was the beginning of our holiday class, and it was quite an exciting start! This week, we will begin exploring the mysteries of space, inspired by the story of “Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me”.
Each table has five seats in the class, and there are six tables. Each one is named after a moon in our solar system.
We each made our team nameplates and designed our moons! They looked a little like pizza though…
For the rest of the day, we worked on different things: Playing the “asteroids” game in CHES park・ Learning about moon phases and making the moon phase viewer! That’s all the time we had for today, so we will continue things tomorrow.
Keep an eye out for any unidentified flying objects…
(今日はホリデークラスの始まりでした。今週は、「Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me」のお話にちなんで、宇宙の神秘に迫ります。
残りの時間は、いろいろなことに取り組みました。CHESパークで “asteroids (小惑星)”ゲーム、他にも月の満ち欠けについて学び、ムーンフェイズ・ビューワーを作りました! 今日はこれで終わりですので、続きは明日にします。
Younger Children CLASS(Earth)
For our first lesson in the lower age group of students, we started with the Earth! We talked about the Earth 4 layers!
(低学齢のクラスの最初のレッスンは、まず地球からスタートしました 地球は4層構造になっているというお話をしましたよ。)
Holiday Class – Day 2
We said good morning as usual and warmed up. After that, we played some games, starting by passing the balloon. Only… we couldn’t use our hands! Sometimes astronauts need to be resourceful!
Afterwards, we settled in to our important mystery for the day… ALIENS!!
What do aliens look like? Do they even exist? With the universe so big, how have we not found any yet? We discussed all these questions together, and thought about what it would be like to meet an alien.
Afterwards, we even designed an alien of our own in our workbooks. And, we had some time to take our alien designs to the next level: we would take some toilet paper rolls and make them 3D! That’s all for today.
Don’t forget the question of the day: “If you could meet an alien, what present would you give them?”
We will talk about it tomorrow!
宇宙人はどのような姿をしているのでしょうか? 存在するのだろうか? 宇宙はこんなに広いのに、どうしてまだ見つかっていないのだろう? そんな疑問をみんなで話し合い、宇宙人に会ったらどんな感じだろうと考えました。
Younger Children CLASS(Sun)
Today in the younger class we learned about the Sun! The sun gives us light and warmth! Without the sun, it’s colder and dark/ We have longer days in summer and shorter days in winter!
(今日の低学齢クラスは、太陽について学びました! 太陽は私たちに光と暖かさを与えてくれます 太陽がないと、寒くて暗いです/夏は日が長く、冬は日が短いです。)
Holiday Class – Day3
SEAN’S CLASS(Black Holes)
The topic today was black holes! They were an interesting and exciting thing to talk about, because there is still a lot, we don’t know about them.
In the morning, we began to prepare our craft for later in the day. If we were going to make our own black hole, we would need to work together.
Using stencils and tracing, we made the “quarter circle” shape on four different, thick pieces of paper. The goal was to put together a large disk with a hole in the middle that could simulate a black hole.
After lunch, we put together our black holes, pushing them slightly together to make it a cone. By pushing different balls into the black hole, we saw how they would orbit, but also move quickly towards the middle. We enjoyed ourselves a lot! It was a lot safer than getting close to a real black hole…
Today’s question is: “If the sun was gone, what could we do to stay safe?” What sorts of things could we do to help with the dark and cold? Would we be able to grow food?
Tomorrow we will talk about robotics and other kinds of space exploration.
Younger Children CLASS (Moon Phases)
Today in the lower class we learned all about the moon and its phases! Everyone did really well on the worksheets!
Finally, we were able to do a craft about the topic book! They made a picture with the moon, mountains and a ladder. “Papa, please get the moon for me.”
(今日の低学齢クラスでは、月とその満ち欠けについて学びました ワークシートはみんなとても上手にできました。
Holiday Class – Day4
Today’s topic was robots. We talked all about them, including what a robot is! It was a tricky question. We know it’s a machine, but can it think? What kind of job does it have?
Since the topic is all in English, we read it together slowly and discuss it together. Once we decide on answers, we can all write them down.
Afterwards, we had a chance to build our own robots. We needed to give them a job to do. What job did your robot have?
One robot in particular that we focused on was the Mars Rover. It is a kind of robot that we sent to the planet Mars to take soil samples and pictures. It is very helpful for humanity. We have learned a lot from it!
Here is the video we watched on the Rover:
Tomorrow, our topic will be rockets!
(今日のトピックはロボットでした。ロボットとは何かなど、ロボットについて語り尽くしました! これは難しい質問でした。機械であることは分かっていますが、考えることができるのか? ロボットはどんな仕事をするんだろう?
Younger Children CLASS (Solar System)
In the lower-level class, we sang the good morning song, how’s the weather song, the days of the week song, and the months of the year song for circle time. We also sang we know the planets of the solar system!
After the park we had our lesson about Space. The focus was the Solar System.
Finally, we were able to do our last craft for the Holiday Classes. We made Solar Systems! They all did a great job!
最後に、Holiday Classの最後のクラフトをしました。太陽系を作りました。みんな上手にできました。)
Holiday Class – Day5
SEAN’S CLASS (Rockets)
The final day of the holiday class was all about rockets. We had talked a lot about space and what it was made up of, and now we were ready to discuss how to get there.
For our rockets, we would use vinegar as the fuel, and baking soda as the ignition!
We would wrap the baking soda in paper so it would take time to come out, and then mix them inside the bottle. We would then plug the bottom of the bottle with a cork. The baking soda would mix with the vinegar and make lots of CO2 (bubbles). Then, after a minute, it would shoot into the sky!
First, we designed our rockets… Soon, they were complete and ready to fly!
We hiked to the park with our supplies.
Before long, we had a launch pad set up, and began to prepare the rockets for their journey! We weren’t sure if it would work, but we were ready to try.
The cork caused the rocket to blast off! We tried it many times with different rockets, and different amounts of fuel. One of them even flew so high, it got stuck in a tree!
I’m glad everyone was able to have a fun time at CHES this year.
I wish everyone has a wonderful new year, and we’ll see you again next time!
ロケットを飛ばすことができました! 燃料の量を変えながら、何度も挑戦しました。中には、高く飛んで木に刺さったロケットもありましたよ。
Younger Children CLASS
In the lower-level class, we had a lot of fun playing and reviewing the week’s information!
In the afternoon, we went to the small park near CHES to play and watch Mr. Sean’s class launch rockets!
Finally, we all had a popcorn snack time! The children loved when the machine started popping!!! We put caramel and chocolate sauce on it!
最後に、ポップコーンのおやつタイム。子どもたちは、機械がポンポンはじまるのが大好き!!! キャラメルソースやチョコレートソースをかけて食べましたよ。)
CHES 2022 Winter Holiday Class Summaryはこちらからご覧ください。
International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto