CHESプリ・クラスIt’s almost Christmas!
Cold weather is here! Are you ready?
Hello everyone!
This is the first full week of December, so we were greeted with wonderful Christmas decorations at CHES. It really makes the cold weather seem warmer when we are surrounded by warm feelings.
We talked all about Christmas and how to celebrate the season these first few days. We are looking forward to the end of the month, so we can really experience Christmas!
Something that comes with Christmas is the cold weather, though. Make sure you are always bringing your sweater, and some warm socks too. If you need a jacket, please bring it, because we will still go to the park if we can.
Our mold experiment
We thought that maybe the cold weather would slow our mold experiment from growing, but no!
On Monday, we saw that mold had already begun to grow inside the experiment jars. We were very careful not to open them, but we were able to look and see how the mold grew on top of and inside the gelatin.
Christmas Decorations
We enjoyed the decorations that were all over CHES, but we wanted to make our own as well.
Using paper and our brains, we folded the paper and drew the shape of a Christmas tree. We used the same technique as our Jack-o-lanterns in October, and opened them to reveal a beautiful shape.
Afterwards, we added various ornaments, decorations, and designs. We made some very nice looking trees to adorn our classroom walls with!
Christmas Assembly
Of course, we are continuing to practice our fun and enjoyable Christmas songs and dances. We are really looking forward to presenting during the Winter Assembly, so I hope you are looking forward to it too.
For those of you practicing at home, thank you!
This week, White Owl was able to perform very well, and even the Red Fox audience said they had improved a lot. Make sure you are practicing your pianica as well. Let’s give the best performance we can!
That’s all for now.
Take care in the cold weather, and stay safe and healthy.
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean
Cold weather is here! Are you ready?
Our mold experiment(カビの実験)
Christmas Decorations
Christmas Assembly
もちろん、クリスマスの楽しい歌や踊りの練習も続けています。Christmas Assemblyで発表するのをとても楽しみにしていますので、皆さんもぜひ楽しみにしていてください。
今週は、White Owlがとても上手に演奏することができ、Red Foxの観客も「とても上達した」と言っていました。ピアニカの練習もしっかりやっておきましょう。最高の演奏をしましょうね。