先週は、園外活動も一息。クラスでじっくり1月のTopic「Vehicles and Construction」に楽しく向き合う時間がとれました。なかでも「建設」のテーマでは、日々CHESから眺めている「明石海峡大橋」を取り上げ、みんなで実際に「橋」を造る作業を楽しんでみました。
Building Bridges
After the busy days of last week, we got some time to reflect on our topic and visit the park. We kept our energy up by running, kicking the ball, and catching each other. We made sure to drink well, despite the cold weather.
Inside the classroom, we began to take our general knowledge of building and cities, and turn it into more specific thought experiments. Since we talked about the earthquake and safety last week, we looked at a particularly difficult kind of thing to build safely: bridges!
先週の忙しい日々が終わり、自分たちのTopic (Vehicles and Construction)のテーマについてじっくり考える時間があり、公園で楽しむ時間がありました。走ったり、ボールを蹴ったり、お互いにキャッチしたりして元気を維持しました。寒い気候にもかかわらず、水もよく飲みました。
We see Akashi Kaikyou Bridge every day.
It is very long, and very large. In passing, we often wonder how it was built. Did they use boats? Or just build it from the land, piece by piece? We spent time on Monday watching and discussing a series of videos that showed different methods for building suspension bridges like Akashi Bridge.
明石海峡大橋はとても長くて、とても大きいです。さらにどのようにして建てられたのか疑問に思うことがよくあります。ボートを使ったのでしょうか? それとも土地から少しずつ造っていくのでしょうか? 月曜日に、明石海峡大橋のような吊り橋を建設するためのさまざまな方法を紹介する一連のビデオを見て話し合うことに時間を費やしました。
We saw various ways to make the towers strong, like adding rebar and concrete. We saw methods of building it in the water, like using floating platforms to build with cranes, or by building a wall around it and pumping the water out.
We saw how the huge cables that take a lot of the weight of the bridge were made from many smaller pieces of wire all twisted together. We also watched a video of a real suspension bridge being built in Turkey. It was very long, but not as long as Akashi Bridge!
The exciting thing was that every bridge was different!
After that, we were ready to use what we had learned! We started by drafting our own bridges on paper. Then in small groups, we tried to make real bridges between chairs. We had toilet paper rolls, a few paper cups for support, and however many “kapla” blocks we could think to use.
We combined the different types of bridges we saw with the methods of building bridges – and our own innovation too! The exciting thing was that every bridge was different! Everyone had different approaches and things to try with their limited supplies.
Some bridges were quick to build, but thin or frail. Others took a lot of work to put the pieces together, but were stronger and more reliable. All the CHES bridge engineers learned a lot, even if all the bridges didn’t stay up!
We will continue experimenting with our design ideas this week.