



CHES「プリ・クラス」では、残すところあと数か月の年度末にむけて、Activityが活発化してきました。この日は、年少学齢の「Blue Bird」から年長の「White Owl」までが、全員で明石市立図書館まで遠足に出かけることに。

卒園を控えた「White Owl」のお兄ちゃん・お姉ちゃんと一緒の園外活動はこれが最後の「Blue Bird」の園児たち。来年度は最高学齢になる「Red Fox」の園児たち。そして小学校入学を控え、少しsensitiveになっている「White Owl」の園児たち。それぞれの思いが詰まった楽しい遠足になりました。

Akashi Library Tour

Today we had fun trip together to the Akashi Library! Since we all love reading books and are fascinated by the different worlds we travel to while reading, we had been looking forward to this trip for a very long time. We were glad to start the day with the sun bright and shining in the sky.

After meeting up at the station and getting everything ready, we hit the road, holding our partners’ hands. Since we have been on a few trips before, we know the important things to pay attention to while on a school trip.



After arriving at the library

After arriving at the library, we were warmly welcomed by the librarians. After greeting each other with a “good morning,” we were guided into a room that had been specially allocated for us.

In this room, we first talked about the rules to follow inside the library. To make our experience better and to avoid disturbing anyone, we quickly reviewed the three rules we needed to follow:

  1. Libraries are quiet places, so talking loudly and running is not allowed.
  2. Treat the books nicely, and make sure not to rip pages or draw in them.
  3. Books are organized in the library, so we must put the books back where we found them to keep everything in order.

図書館に到着すると、図書館員の方々が温かく迎えてくれました。 「おはようございます」と挨拶を交わし、準備していただいた部屋に案内されました。

この部屋では、まず図書館内で守るべきルールについて話し合いました。いままでの経験をより良くし、他の誰にも迷惑をかけないようにするために、私たちは従う必要がある 3つのルールをすぐに再確認しました。

  1. 図書館は静かな場所なので、大声で話したり、走ったりすることは禁止されています。
  2. 本は丁寧に扱い、ページを破いたり、描き込んだりしないように注意してください。
  3. 図書館では本が整理されているので、すべてを整理整頓するために、本を見つけた場所に戻さなければなりません。

The fun part began!

After quickly reviewing the rules, the fun part began!

The librarian read us some books, and we enjoyed listening to her! We listened to two stories, and because we were such good listeners, we even got a bonus story! Each story had surprising parts, and they kept us engaged the whole time.

After listening to the stories, it was our free time to read books and choose the ones we wanted to borrow. We were allowed to pick two different books each. We took our time walking between the aisles, checking out many books, and reading some of them.


図書館司書が私たちに本を読んでくれて、彼女の話を聞くのは楽しかったです。 2つの話を聞いたのですが、聞き上手だったのでおまけの話もいただきました。どの話も意外な部分があり、ずっと引き込まれていました。


So many different kinds of books

There were so many different kinds of books, from English to Japanese ones, that it was a hard decision to make! There were giant books and small books, long books and short books, kamishibai and comics and all sorts. We can read books about animals and science, books about silly things, and even books that had no pictures!

We had lots of time to read and choose though, so despite being overwhelmed by the choice, we were finally able to choose the books we wanted to borrow.

We learned that we could only borrow two books today because we were a large group, but it is okay to stop by again and borrow up to 20 books! We’re pretty sure that the Akashi Library is a place everyone would love to visit again and again.




Akashi Park

After borrowing our books from the counter, we were already getting hungry and looking forward to enjoying the beautiful weather.

We went to the park around the castle, spread out our mats on the ground, and had lunch together. We also enjoyed running around and playing with our friends. We were so lucky to have such nice weather! After playing, we had a small tour around the park and then headed back to CHES.

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey! We had a lot of fun exploring different books and playing with our friends.







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