Remembering the Great Hanshin Earthquake
The week is already over. Did it feel quick for you too? Even though we had less days this week, we certainly did a lot.
The topic of buildings and vehicles has a wide breadth of things to discuss. For nearly any situation, we can relate it to the topic in some way.
We spent time together in CHES park making the wheels on the bus and more. We ran after each other playing “Red Light, Green Light”. We learned movement words, like “drive” for cars, “pedal” for bicycles, “ride”, “sail”, “fly”, and more, as we ran around the room.
もう一週間は終わりました。みんな早いなぁと感じました? 今週は日数が少なかったとはいえ、本当にたくさんのことができました。
CHES Parkでバスの車輪を作ったりして一緒に時間を過ごしました。「赤・青(信号)」を演じながらお互いを追いかけました。部屋の中を走り回りながら、車の「ドライブ」、自転車の「ペダルをこぐ」、「乗る」、「帆をはって走る」、「飛ぶ」などの動きの単語を学びました。
In the classroom, we discussed topics like city planning and building safety. We thought about what we would do if we were given the chance to be in control.
We tried putting everything together piece by piece. We tried building towers that held up to strong forces. We were surprised when not all of our efforts were successful.
When Friday came, we were busily finished all of our business, from Show and Tell presentations, to literacy homework, to PE classes, and more.
金曜日には、私たちは「Show and Tell」のプレゼンテーションから読み書きの宿題、体育の授業など、すべての用事を忙しく終えていました。
However, we had time to stop and remember an event that happened on this day 30 years ago. We met in CHES park, when Ms. Masami arrived with an alarm, warning us of an earthquake.
Of course, it was a drill. We covered our heads and stayed still, counting to 60 to make sure no aftershocks would come. After that, we had a chat.
The Great Hanshin earthquake was a disaster that took the lives of many people 30 years ago. We discussed the fact that we can’t control the power of the Earth: not the weather, not the tides, and definitely not earthquakes. The best course of action, then, would be to prepare.
しかしこの日、私たちには立ち止まって、30年前のこの日に起こった出来事を思い出す時間がありました。CHE Sparkに集合したとき、Ms. Masamiが地震を警告するアラームを鳴らしたのです。
We talked at length about different ways to prepare, and different ways to stay safe if an earthquake comes.
For example, preparing water, food, or gas in a safe place would be a good way to be ready. Opening a door to your house when an earthquake is imminent could save you from getting stuck inside. And knowing what areas of your house might be safest could be important, especially when you don’t have time to react.
Finally, we spent some time in silence to remember the event and the people who lost their lives.
Please take some time this weekend talking with your child about what to do in the event of a disaster. For Red Fox and White Owl children, a paper is included in their homework to write down ideas for preparations and the safest parts of your house.
They are meant to do this together with their parents. Let’s share ideas!
If we are lucky, we won’t have to experience an earthquake like that again. However, we should always make sure to prepare if we can. We try to be safe at school, at the library, at the park, and everywhere in between. Let’s be safe in this way too!
今週末、少し時間をとって、災害が起きたときにどうすればよいかお子さんと話し合ってください。Red FoxとWhite Owlの園児には、準備や家の中で最も安全な場所に関するアイデアを書き留める紙が宿題に含まれています。