いよいよ明日は、CHES Christmas Assembly!大勢のママ・パパの前でも、これまで練習してきた成果を普段どおりに発揮できるのでしょうか。リハーサルを終えたいまでも、少し心配ですが💦…乞うご期待です。
Christmas is already here!
This week was all about Christmas, specifically the Christmas Assembly! We practiced, sang, danced, and made crafts all for our production.
The annual assembly really is a good chance for us to put all of the skills we have been learning throughout the year to good use. Teamwork, care, effort, and excitement are all important ingredients to make a good show.
Without revealing too much of what is to come😷 we enjoyed the Christmas tree we put together while we were practicing. It made it feel like it was really time for the assembly already.
今週はクリスマス、特にChristmas Assemblyの準備でした。練習して、歌って、踊って、工作をしました。
これから起こることをあまり明かさずに言うと😷、練習中に作ったクリスマスツリーで楽しみました。もう本当にChristmas Assemblyなのだと感じさせてくれたのです。
It wasn’t just the tree that made it Christmas, though. We wanted to add presents too, and we used all the boxes that you all brought from home. Some were big and some were small, some were skinny and some wide, some opened from the top and from the side.
We measured, cut, and added ribbons to all of them, one by one throughout the week. They would make a nice keepsake, and a good prop for our show!
Every prop, piece of equipment, and adjustment made the show more exciting to practice. As we got better and better, our voices clearer and clearer, and our dances more and more perfect, we started to enjoy it more and more.
We wanted to improve, to try again until we got it exactly right. There was a lot to do, but by the end of the week, we had come a very long way!
We hope you will enjoy the production on Thursday. We are looking forward to presenting it!
Another thing we worked on
Another thing we worked on was our stockings! We had started them last week, but now it was time to finish them.
We made them like a real tailor might sew: we started by drawing and cutting the template, and then a second one for the back. We traced the first one to make it a duplicate. Then, we punched holes in both sides. It was time to sew!
We took some yarn and cut it to the correct length, with a bit of extra just to be safe. We rolled up the end and taped it down to make a shape similar to a sewing needle. Then, we threaded it through the holes, up and down, up and down, until it was all the way from one side to the other.
It wasn’t easy, and took some tries to make sure the yarn was pulled through the whole stocking. We needed to keep giving it slack. When we got the hang of it though, it started to look really good!
We tied it off at the back and removed the “needle”. Now we had a stocking that could fit something inside! I wonder if that will be useful…😝
Well, they are certainly useful as a nice decoration!
Everyone has come a long way
We are counting down the days until Christmas. This week will be the last week of school this year! Everyone has come a long way.