



Blue Bird(年少学齢)からWhite Owl(年長学齢)のみんなで、「明石市立天文科学館」へ毎年恒例の遠足に行ってきました。ただし今年は特別です。

実は、White Owlの天文科学館大好きな子どもの提案でハロウィンの時に「軌道星隊シゴセンジャー」のコスチュームを揃えたことがきっかけなのです。その後、実際にそのコスチュームを着て天文科学館を訪れたことから、なんと、今回の訪問の際、Red Rangerが実際に登場、みんなにコスチュームのお礼を言ってくれたのです!

さらに、天文科学館の広報紙「星空のレシピ」2025年1月号の表紙にWhite Owlのみんなと軌道星隊シゴセンジャーの集合写真を載せて頂くことになりました!


Akashi Planetarium Trip!

It was chilly last night with some rainfall. We were worried that the weather would be too cold or wet today, because we had an adventure to go on!

Lucky for us, the weather was bright and sunny. With no problems ahead, we met at 9:00 at the train station.

With our focus entirely on the Winter Assembly these last few weeks, it was nice to have a break in the action! We met with excited faces, eager to see what the show at the planetarium would be. As usual, we recited the rules, met up with our buddies, and headed to the train on time.



ここ数週間は完全にChristmas Assemblyに集中していたので、活動の休憩ができて良かったです。プラネタリウムでどんなショーが見られるのかを楽しみにして、興奮した顔で会いました。いつものように、ルールを暗唱し、みんなと合流し、時間通りに駅に向かいました。

The weather was cold in the morning, and our hands felt very chilly! But once started moving, it was no problem. Plus, we had our friends to hold hands with.

Today, we were going to take the train to Akashi Planetarium, where we would watch a presentation about stars and Christmas. We couldn’t be more excited!

The train ride was over before we knew it, and we made our way down the road to the big, tall building.




Akashi Planetarium

Akashi Planetarium is a very interesting building. It is built on the 135 degree meridian and its position is used to standardize time.

We headed inside and saw the pictures of the different colored rangers that represent the Planetarium. White Owl dressed up as them for Halloween. Do you remember?

Our show started soon, so we quickly made our way to the theater. We had special seats that could recline all the way back. We could look up at the ceiling, and see a projection of the night sky.

明石プラネタリウムはとても面白い建物です。それは 135 度の子午線上に構築されており、その位置は時間を標準化するために使用されています。

私たちは中に入り、プラネタリウムを代表するさまざまな色の「軌道星隊シゴセンジャー」の写真を見ました。White Owlがハロウィーンの時に「シゴセンジャー」の仮装をしていたのを覚えていますか?


The presentation was fun and informative

We could see planets like Saturn and Venus that we would normally need a telescope to see. We saw galaxies and clusters of space dust and stars. We saw many stars that were in different patterns and shapes, like squares and triangles. These shapes sometimes looked like animals or people, and we call these constellations.

Soon though, the presentation shifted to the topic of Christmas!

We tried to put together a tree, but we were missing the star on the top. We called for help, and none other than Santa himself appeared! He caught it for us, placing it atop our tree.




Red Ranger!

We explored more constellations with Santa, talking about the stories of Orion, Cassiopeia, and even Hikoboshi and Orihime! Finally, it was time to say goodbye as the sun came up again. It was an interesting experience!

Before we left the theater though, we were asked to wait a moment. To our surprise, a special guest appeared!

Yes! It was the Red Ranger, come to visit us and thank White Owl for their great costumes!

It was exciting to meet him! We took pictures together and gave him high-fives. What a lucky day for us!



そうです!Red Rangerです。White Owlの素晴らしいコスチュームにお礼を言いに来てくれたのです。


The top of the tower

After that, it was free time to explore the rest of the building. There were plenty of interesting things to see, from models of the solar system and black holes, iron-filled meteorites, and clocks made of water. We stuck with our buddies and roamed the floor, trying everything out.

Next, it was time to climb to the top of the tower!

We had seen the tower from the train station, and we knew it went up 14 floors. We still had energy, so we decided to walk all the way from the 3rd floor to the top! It didn’t take too long, and once we were there; we had an amazing view of Akashi and the ocean.



私たちはそのタワーを駅から見たことがあり、それが 14 階まであることは知っていました。まだ体力があったので、3階から頂上まで歩いてみることにしました!それほど時間はかかりませんでした。明石と海の素晴らしい景色を眺めることができました。

We learned a lot and had a lot of fun this time. It was a good experience and we did well outside in a public place.

It made us think about the stars and what we can see in the night sky, as well as thinking about the meaning of things we see every day, like stars on a Christmas tree and the chiming of a clock.

Our next adventure will be in January when we visit the library. There will be a lot to see there too.

For now, though, let’s enjoy the Christmas season!








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