今年もあっという間に12月ですね。CHESの一大イベントでもある「Christmas Assembly 」も近づいてきました。子どもたちは、毎日大声で歌ったり、踊ったりと楽しそうに練習しています。
The Christmas Spirit
This week marked the beginning of December. The weather is getting cool, but we are still enjoying the park without any problems. In fact, we have been more active than ever.
As you might have heard, our practice for the Christmas Assembly ramped up this week. We have been practicing each day, going through our songs, choreography, and more. It’s very satisfying to perform something in tandem with our friends, so when we all do a good job, it sounds great together!
Santa’s Busy Night
We spent our classes talking about Christmas, doing some crafts, and getting ready for the Christmas Assembly. The kids are in good spirits and they are over the moon about Christmas.
They keep asking me about Santa Claus and when he will come. They look at the calendar and point to the day of our Christmas party. I ask them what they want for Christmas, and everyone already has an answer! 😂
Blue Birdはクラスでクリスマスについて話したり、工作をしたり、クリスマス集会の準備をしたりして過ごしました。子どもたちは元気いっぱいで、クリスマスのことで大喜びです。
On Tuesday, we read a story about Santa’s busy night. We learned how Santa gets ready for Christmas by checking his good and naughty lists while the elves work hard to prepare the presents.
We made a Santa Claus and reindeer craft together! The children colored and cut out the parts of the craft. They decided to color the reindeer’s nose red to turn it into Rudolph. Rudolph is quite popular in this classroom, and they enjoy listening to the song Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer 😊
Practice Today 😊
We started our day at CHES Park for practice. Our Christmas Assembly is very soon so we want to give our best. Everyone is invited to come and join. We had our Rhythmic class and we had our practice too. We hope that we can remember all the songs.
Yellow Kangarooはクリスマス集会の練習のためにCHES Parkで一日を始めました。クリスマス集会はもうすぐなので、全力を尽くしたいと思います。ぜひご参加ください。リトミックの授業もあり、練習もしました。すべての曲を覚えられたらいいですね。