コロナ禍以前は、年中学齢(Red Fox)以上で工場見学をさせていただいてのですが、今年は教室まで直接お越しいただいたので、Yellow Kangarooのみんなも全員参加でき、お腹のなかの話に大盛り上がりでした。
その後、「Food」に関しての実験をおりまぜながら、実際の食体験! コーンスープ、パン(Food Face)に続き、今回は「ケチャップ」です。
Good Bacteria vs Bad Bacteria!
The temperature dropped quite a few degrees today. When the temperature drops or rises quickly, our bodies can get surprised. Our immune systems may get weaker for a time, allowing bad germs to sneak inside and infect us.
This week, headed by the special guests from Yakult, we talked all about germs and bacteria and how they can hurt or help us!
The first big revelation was that bacteria is not always bad! The bacteria that are floating about in the air and on things we touch, like dirt and mold, is generally not healthy. We need to take care to wash our hands and make sure we clean the things we use carefully. However, there are some bacteria in certain foods, like yogurt, that can help our digestion.
It may seem funny at first to talk about poo, but it is a super important thing to think about! Your poo tells you how healthy your tummy bacteria is, and also how good your diet is.
Look at the browning of fruit
This week, we wanted to do an experiment. While we couldn’t see bacteria with our eyes, and it would be dangerous to grow mold, we decided to look at the browning of fruit. Similar to how bacteria cause mold and rot over time, fruit also browns after it gets cut open. We would watch it and add some different liquids to see if we could speed it up or slow it down.
We started with an apple and a banana, putting some slices into individual bowls. We tried water, vinegar, lemon juice, and simply air. We had other things to do during the day, so we let it sit, and checked in on it every so often.
By the end of the day, we could see that the air and water bowls were the most brown! The air is what causes them to change, so this makes sense. The vinegar bowl also didn’t change much at first, but was brown by the end of the day. The only one that didn’t change at all was the lemon juice!
The acid in the lemon juice is different from vinegar. It helps to stop the fruit from turning brown!
Our second Dip Dish
We were also busy with our second Dip Dish! This time, ketchup was on the menu!
While corn soup could be enjoyed on its own, ketchup really needs something to dip into it. Ketchup is often used on french fries or hotdogs or omrice. This time, we would try something else!
We started by going over the ingredients and directions once again. We measured everything out and made our predictions. We even multiplied the recipe to make sure we had enough to share with our friends!
We added things one at a time to the blender. Then we turned it on to mix it all together!
2回目のDip Dishも大忙しでした!今回のメニューはケチャップです!
The result was smooth, but thin. We wanted to thicken it up a bit, so we had two more steps to take. First, we added some flour and stirred it up. Then, we boiled it to evaporate some of the water! By the time it cooled, we had a thick and creamy ketchup!
It was harder work than the corn soup. We needed to stir it well while it boiled so it didn’t bubble over or burn.
Then, we needed to wait a long time for it to cool down, which was difficult because it smelled so good!😝
We did some paperwork and ate our lunch in the meantime. When it was time to eat though, we had plenty of space in our tummies!😜
結果は滑らかでしたが、薄かったです。もう少し厚みを持たせたかったので、さらに 2 つの手順を実行する必要がありました。まず、小麦粉を加えてかき混ぜます。次に、水分を蒸発させるために沸騰させました。冷める頃には濃厚でクリーミーなケチャップが出来上がりました!
Time to dip our chips!
It was time to reveal our dipping food: tortilla chips! They were crunchy and salty, a good balance for the creamy and umami ketchup.
Time to dip our chips! The ketchup was very tasty! So far, we had two successful dishes. Hopefully this will continue for the rest of the month. We made sure to write down the recipe too, so you can try again at home!
As we get closer and closer to December, we are starting to think about the next month’s topic. Do you know what it is? We will jump right into Christmas as the months change, but until then: stay tuned for more food fun!
チップスを浸す時間です!ケチャップがとても美味しかったです!これまでのところ、2 つの料理が成功しました。これが今月いっぱい続くことを願っています。レシピもしっかり書いたので、お家でもう一度挑戦してみてください!
12月が近づくにつれ、来月のテーマについて考え始めています。それが何か知っていますか? 来月になればすぐにクリスマスが始まりますが、それまではもっと食べ物の楽しみを楽しみにしていてください。